Chapter 12

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Lex had brought me a beautiful dress to wear tonight and he got dressed into a fancier suit in my bedroom while I had a shower. He had something devious planned, that much was certain but I was in no mood to work out what it was. I felt horrible for Edward who was put in such an awkward situation, he probably didn't even want to come tonight, I mean wouldn't he rather be out with Kristen?

"Are you ever getting out of the shower?" I heard Lex call from my bedroom and I groaned in annoyance.

"I'm beginning to remember why I never came to visit you in Metropolis!" I replied as I turned of the shower, drying my hair and body.

"Admit you missed me." I began to put the dress on, it looked beautiful. It was a wonderful shade of yellow that I wouldn't usually wear but now that I saw it I planned on wearing yellow a lot more often. I curled the ends of my hair and did my regular make up look before going back to my bedroom to find the shoes to match.

"Have you seen my shoes?" I questioned Lex who was completely ready and standing by the door.

"They're next to your bedside table." He replied, staring at his phone and not paying any attention to me whatsoever. I chucked the heels on and grabbed the matching clutch Lex got me before meeting him in the living room.

"Can you at least tell me I look pretty?" I asked and he glanced up from his phone.

"That's Ed's job." He replied, a smug smirk on his face as we exited my apartment, linking arms and walking to my car.

We got to Valentina's just before 6:30 and Edward was already waiting outside, he wore a lovely suit that had a green tint in it. He saw us and smiled, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You look beautiful." His eyes widened as he realized what he said. "I mean that dress is wonderful." His cheeks were bright red and I laughed to lighten the mood.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." I replied, a smile cramping my cheeks. Lex went ahead and asked for our table, leaving Ed and I awkward messes in front of each other.

"Table for Luthor please? I would also like to change it to a table of three, yes thank you." We followed the waitress to our table that was set out beautifully, this must have been hands down the fanciest place to eat in Gotham. "Let's hope the food is better than the setting." Lex exclaimed judgement clear in his voice.

"Well good to know you aren't trying to sound like a spoilt rich kid, it must just come naturally." I teased him.

"I'm telling your mum that you're being mean to me." He retorted and I shook my head.

"You're a snitch." I grumbled playfully. "Ed's better than you, so I'm talking to him instead." With that I turned my attention to Edward who had been sitting there awkwardly.

"Rude." He exclaimed. "When are you coming back to Metropolis?" He questions, a mischievous smirk on his face. I saw Ed stiffen.

"Excuse me?" Edward asked, becoming slightly concerned.

"Oh she didn't tell you? I've offered her a position at Lexcorp. She should be already handing in her resignation." Lex was having the time of his life stirring trouble.

"When was this happening?" He asked me, becoming increasingly angrier.

"Ed, calm down he's joking. He does stupid stuff like this all the time. I'm staying in Gotham." I shot Lex a menacing glare which he replied with a cheeky smile.

"Yes, I am only joking I assure you." Lex laughed at himself and I kicked him beneath the table. "Now that I know you have no sense of humor I'd like to know if you have any redeeming qualities."

"Lex." I hissed at him.

"Sorry that was rather blunt of me, what is it exactly that you do, for a living that is?" He questioned and I could cut the tension with a knife.

"I work as a forensic scientist, I also cover for our medical examiner considering he is significantly under qualified." Ed answered confidently.

"And you managed to basically create an imaginary job for Alice?"  He snickered and I kicked him under the table again.

"Alice has become a valued member of the GCPD in the short time she has worked there and is an intelligent second opinion that is greatly helpful in our line of work."  I blushed at the statement, did he really think that.

"Well, well Alice, looks like you've established yourself quite well." Lex put his hand over mine in a petty attempt to make Edward jealous but to my surprise it was working.

The rest of the night went on with Lex and I basking in childhood memories and Ed and Lex discussing science epidemics and other intelligent things. Lex would make small moves on me and every time he did Edward would change the subject or stiffen. Before I knew it we were getting ready to leave.

"Well this was just lovely, it is great to meet people that have helped my dear Alice while I cannot. We should do this again next time I'm in town." Lex threw his arm around my shoulders as we exited the restaurant.

"I look forward to it." Ed gave him a tight lipped smile and I could tell that he had no intentions of any such thing.

"Oh that reminds me! Alice darling I need someone to accompany me to a business party next weekend, would you do me the honors, just like old times." Before I could accept his offer Ed jumped in.

"Alice and I actually have to work on a case next weekend, it is extremely important." He stated and I gave him a confused look but agreed anyway.

"Yeah, sorry Lex, work is demanding." I continued the lie but I knew Lex could tell.

"That's okay darling." He ruffled my hair. "Mum would be so pleased that you are so involved with work."

"I know, she probably thinks I'm finally not a failure. I might even get favourite child this week." Ed's face was extremely surprised.

"Wait, the two of you are siblings?" He questioned, Lex and I glanced at eachother and burst out laughing.

"We're as good as siblings, he's the brother I didn't want." I stated and the relief in Ed's eyes was priceless.

"It's ok, she's all yours. But she is my little sister so I would be careful." Ed's cheeks flushed so bright and I blushed aswell.

"Well I look forward to seeing you on Monday." With that he briskly walked away, leaving Lex and I to get back to my car.

"You are despicable Lex." I shook my head.

"Hey at least now you know he is completely in love with you." I glared at him.

"He is not." I denied.

"Is to."

"Is not!"

"Is to."

"Is not!" We bickered back and forth just like we had when we were children.

"Alice if you cannot see that Edward is in love with you then I'm afraid you are completely blind."

Bickering Alice and Lex are my favourite beans

Ed is gettin a little jelly oooooooo

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