Chapter 9

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My last week as a barista had been less than eventful, Edward had been informing me of all the necessary things that came with working at the GCPD and I had taken it all on board eagerly. Before I knew it Friday had come and gone, Edward and I had our usual lunch together and I served Harvey his last coffee and free muffin.

As Edward was leaving the cafe for the last time while I worked here something dawned on me, I had never gotten his number. What if I needed to ask him something over the weekend? My actions were quicker than my thoughts as I was already opening my mouth.

"Edward?" I called and he turned back to give me a questioning glance. "I was just wondering if I could get your number? In case I forget something and need to ask you about it." I asked and his face lit up.

"Of course." He replied, reaching for his phone that sat neatly in the pocket of his trousers. I did the same and copied his number into my phone.

"Thanks, see you Monday." He nodded with a bright smile. I mirrored him as he left the cafe, he kept glancing at his phone as he walked away and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because he was waiting for my call. It sounded silly but I was hopeful.

Everything passed in a blur and before I knew it Cass had come to start her shift, ending my very last shift at this cafe, it was surreal. For a while I had been afraid that I would never amount to anything more than a barista and I was okay with that, although I knew it would never make me completely happy. This new opportunity was exactly what I needed to yank me out of the dire routine I had been living for the past couple of months.

I had yet to tell my parents, I was still skeptical of how this new position was going to turn out and I didn't want them to get their hopes up. Saying a small goodbye to Cass as she hugged me and wished me good luck with my new job, I thanked her and hung up my apron on the hook for the very last time, stealing my name tag as a keeps sake.

Walking out of that cafe felt amazing, knowing that I would not be returning on Monday seemed nothing short of perfect. I drove home with a giddy smile and excitement bubbling in my stomach.

 I drove home with a giddy smile and excitement bubbling in my stomach

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Edwards POV: Gotham Gazette readers seemed to like this so enjoy

Alice was a peculiar character, her intelligence was in no way matching mine but her sense of confidence made her seem significantly more intelligent. She was kind, from the amount of time we had spent together I had gathered that she was very welcoming. I am grateful for her lunch invitations, it was quite heart warming to feel as though someone is willing to spend an entire hour with you.

She seemed genuine during our conversations, always eager to hear more about my profession and above all she enjoyed my riddles which was a rare characteristic to find in the vast majority of the dim witted population that lived in Gotham. Given. She wasn't very good at them but it was evident that she thought hard about them and I admired that.

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