Ch1-Meeting the HOT boys

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I stomped into my log cabin dragging my big ass suit case behind me. I should've just brought a duffle bag instead.

"What the fuck! FUCKIN PARENTS!!!" I screamed. That felt good because I was holding that back in for a while.

"Awkward." Someone says. I snapped my head up. I saw 3 of the most hottest boys I've ever seen staring at me. Now my cheeks were burning in embarrassment.

"I thought it was an all boys camp." Says the boy leaning on the bathroom door frame, hands crossed. He was so tall. So muscular. Too muscular for my type. But oh my goodness, if he's single I'll be so surprised.

"Unless she's transgender or maybe he just has long hair....." The other boy sitting in the chair says. He was wearing a tight thermal shirt which showed off his 6 pack. The way his blonde hair was fixed made him look like a Prince Charming.

"Wait what's transgender mean?" The boy leaning on the doorframe says uncrossing his arms.

"You gotta be kidding me." The blonde boy laughs.

The both starts having a deep conversation about it while I stand there awkwardly wondering if they forgot I was there.

The other boy who was sitting at the top bunk was eating chips. His brown hair covered his eyes making him look so mysterious. The only part of his face that showed was jawline,flawless skin, pink lips. He hasn't talked at all but I think I fell in lo-

"So are you gonna tell us if your actually a girl?" Doorframe guy says interrupting my thoughts.

I straightened my back as soon as I noticed I've been slumping.

"I'm a girl...." I said. Which is the most dumbest thing I could ever say in my life. I mean when does someone ever ask you if your a girl? Never. Except for these boys.

I saw the confusion in their face so I said , "My parents accidentally signed me up for this camp." They started to nod except for mysterious boy.

"That sucks. Hey but at least you'll be able to hang around with hot guys like us." The blonde boy winks at me. My stomach does a flip. I tighten my grip on the suitcase handle.

"Did you bring your whole closet here?" Doorframe boy says pointing at my suitcase. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Haha very funny" I said dragging my suitcase to the end of the room leaning it on the wall.

"Your sleeping on that bunk." I heard door frame boy say. I turn around to see him pointing to the bunk with mysterious boy on top.

I was gonna argue since I wanted the top bunk not the bottom bunk, but I just kept quite.

"I'm Justin by the way." Doorframe boy says. He smiles a small smile. It was like he forced it out.

"I'm Brandon." Blonde boy winks at me again. My stomach makes 3 flips.

We all turn to mystery boy.

He bites on a chip seductively. "I'm Caden." His voice sounded like heaven to me.

We all watched him crumble up his bag of chips tossing it across the room into a trash can.

"People say Caden's the ladies man. But we all know he's a little fuck boy. Always breaking girls hearts." Brandon teases. Caden frowns and throws a pillow at him knocking Brandon off his chair.

"Im Skylar." I blurted.

"Well Skylar. Nice to meet you." Brandon says.

I looked down at the yellow sheet which showed our schedules for today.

I read, 7:00 cookout , let's hang with each other and have a great time!

A cookout.mmm that's what I so needed to end my day I'm starving.

I looked at my watch. Its 6:45.

"Ohh the cookout is gonna start in 15 minutes. Yay!" I said excitedly. Almost forgetting I was in a Boys camp. I quickly restrain my face muscles from smiling.

"Calm down its like you've never been to a cookout." Brandon smirked. That's kinda true. I've only been to one cookout my entire life. Which was when I was like 10.

"Well let's start heading over there." Justin said grabbing his jacket from his bunk.

All the boys grabbed their jackets too.

Umm . Was I supposed to bring one?

"Aren't you gonna grab your jacket ? It gets cold at night." Justin laughs. I didn't bring one. I thought since it was summer it would be hot. You know what I mean?

"I didn't bring one. I didn't get the memo." I shrugged. I put a strand of my blond hair behind my ear. Caden clears his throat and looks at me in the eyes.

Woah was it me or was his green eyes mesmerizing.

"Here you can borrow mine I have another one anyways." He said handing me his leather one. He rummaged through his duffle bag and took out a grey hoodie.

"Thanks." I gave him a smile. I quickly put it on. I gotta say it was a little big on me.

But that's okay because it feels comfortable and smells great.



Who do u ship Skylar with.

Also keep on smiling people you are amazing.


Anyways please Comment vote and follow me!!!!

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