Ch12- Justice for Justin

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Tonight was movie night and everyone was stoked. Except for me of course. I was the unfortunate pity girl who had been overthinking all day. I just kept myself isolated, not healthy.

I've been trying to work up the courage to ask Candice what she and Caden did after me and Damon "kissed". Then again that would make me look desperate for answers.

God, Caden just makes me crazier and crazier everyday.

I balanced on a large log, my two arms pointed outwards like wings.

In the distance I could hear the loud speakers that echoed out the movie the boys were watching. I did not wanna follow that sound, not now. I wanted to be alone in this dark forest.

"Do I spy Skylar, my oh my how bizarre." a deep voice comes from behind me, almost making me loose my balance on the log. I thought I had a heart attack for a second. I turned around and squinted my eyes in the darkness. I could barely make the outline of a tall male. How ironic, it was Damon.

This time I do freak out and fall off the log onto my behind. Landing on a bunch of twigs and who knows what else, it hurt. I heard Damon chuckle, he walks over to me and puts out his hand for me to take. I roll my eyes and stand up on my own.

"Someones angry." Damon says as he sits down on the log. I couldn't see his facial expressions since the darkness took over, so who knows if he's smirking or even furrowing his brows.

"What are you doing here." I deadpanned.

His head tilts and he barks out a laugh .

"I could say the same to you princess."

I cringed at his reply, "Don't call me that."

I turn my back on him and start running the opposite direction. The crunching of twigs behind me starts getting closer and by the time I know it Damon had caught up with me.

"Why are you running?" He says as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer. Close enough where I could smell his minty breath.

"You! I'm running because I hate you and I don't wanna be near you. " I push him away.

Why so harsh Skylar?

Damon is and will always be the fault between me and Caden...Because of Damon, Caden had to be kicked out of our cabin. Also not to mention Damon was my first kiss, what a waste. I could've spent it on someone more relevant to my life. He could literally say "sorry" one million times and I would never forgive him.

He grabs my shoulders tightly making me flinch. I was beyond terrified at what he'd do next. He notices my fear and lets go as he controls his heavy breathing.

"Skylar you are lucky I like you because your ass would've been grass if I hadn't," he steps back, "I followed you into the forest."

I raise my brows in surprise.

"That's not creepy at all." I say sarcastically.

He shakes his head, "I did it because I want to tell you the truth. About what happened to Justin."


I ran my hands along the rough bark of the log. We sat down on it and I patiently waited for Damon to tell me.

"It wasn't me or Liam that did it to him." He whispers.

"But Liam said-"

"He lied. He likes to joke around. He likes getting Caden angry." He says.

"Liam is a jerk."

"Enough about him Skylar. Straight to the truth... I was in my Cabin when I heard a loud thud. I raced to the window and saw Justin laying there. Candice was crouched down next to him. She thought no one was watching her when she got rid of the 'weapon' she'd use on Justin."

"Weapon?" I gasped.

"It was a rock bigger than her hand. Then that's when she put her acting skills on and started screaming and crying for help."

"Why haven't you told anyone?!" I scream. He quickly puts his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.

"Because who's gonna believe the precious Candice could do such a thing." He whispers.

I slap his hand off my mouth, "If you wont do it, I'm doing it. Justin deserves justice. Candice deserves punishment for her action."

"Skylar no one will believe you and I bet Candice will make up some shitty lie." He says.

"I need to talk to Caden." I turn back and head for the camp.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. It's late and I'm supposed to be asleep but here I am on Wattpad :'), that's okay I really wanted to publish this chapter.

Do you believe Damon? Hmm is he telling the truth? Well I guess we'll see in the next chapters....


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