Ch3-someones jealous

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"Okay everyone! I've already organized the teams and groups." The camp volunteer yelled out.

I was kinda nervous about this. There was obstacles and mud pools everywhere. And I suck at running in MUD (actually I've never ran in mud before, but I know I'll suck).

"If you are some of the many few staying in the North cabins then you are group A , so you go with miss Candice. Please be kind to her she is one of our new volunteers here!" Everyone turns to a gorgeous blonde hair girl. In her late teens. I could tell all the boys were already drooling over her. I was kinda jealous because I even saw Caden staring at her anxiously.

I felt a hand touch my arm I quickly turn around and see Brandon.

"We're group A." He says informing me. His blue eyes twinkling.

I nod and we both walk together to group A's section.

"Candice is hot." Brandon bites his bottom lip. He wraps his arms around me. I avoid eye contact with him, I'm not sure why I am.

I laugh wrapping my arms around his waist. That was the only thing I could do at this moment since I didn't have the perfect words for this situation.

"But not as hot as you." He whispers playfully into my ear. I laugh again not knowing what to say. I wonder if he meant it though...

I look up to see Caden staring at me and Brandon. There was a hint of jealousy in his eyes. His fist was all clenched up. We met eye contact and he looked away so fast. Brandon unwraps his arms from me and sighs.

"Your boyfriend is staring looks like he will beat me up if I hold on to you longer." He groans. My boyfriend as in Caden? Caden isn't my boyfriend but Brandon thought he was!

"He's not my boyfriend." I retorted, although I wish he was.

"Okay, if you say so." Brandon shrugs.


"Hellerrr everyone I'm Candice!" Candice says in a thick Australian accent. Oh how I loved Australian accents. They were always my favorite, ever since I went to Australia last year.

"We know." One of the boys say sounding bored.

Candice shakes her head and pulls out her clipboard with tons of names on it. She guided us to our first muddy obstacle course.

Everyone stayed quite waiting for Candice to give instructions.

"Okay so there's 30 of you here which means I'll be putting each of you in teams of 10." She says writing something down on her clipboard. She bites on the tip of her pen before distributing the teams.

I ironically was on the same team as Caden and Liam.

Liam gave me a small smile then said, "I'm sorry for what I did at breakfast." I was surprised that he actually apologized. I hugged him. I hugged him?!!! I felt his arms wrap around me slowly.

Hugging was an awful habit I tried to get rid of. Every time I see someone in a need of hugs, even if I hardly knew them, I would be hugging them for what feels like hours. But most of the time my hugs meant forgiveness instead of saying the word out loud I just hug to show what I mean. You know?

I pull back and give him one of my smiles.

"I didn't expect that." Liam said.

"Me either." I hear Caden say from behind us. He had his arms crossed. He was in an awful mood today, I'm beginning to think he's bipolar. Or even worse mentally ill. Just kidding, well just for the mentally ill part.

"Can you guys stop chit chatting? Candice is giving instructions." One of the boys on our team said. His hair was put into a man bun. I am not a big fan of that hair trend.

We all give our attention to Candice. I still can't manage to figure out how she gets her skin so flawless. I even wondered how she got her body into that perfect hour glass shape, I have it too but her waist are much smaller than mine. I assume she's a swimmer, she looks like a swimmer or maybe even a model.

"First challenge is to run across the mud as fast as you can than get to that platform and climb that 20ft ladder than dive climb down that rope run though the mud and take the blue flag." She said very fast. She was blushing I don't blame her. Standing in front of so many boys could give any girl anxiety.

"Sounds easy." I hear Justin say. I looked at him and he smirked.

"Okay so I'm gonna give you guys each a minute to come up with a team name! Your time starts now!!!" Candice says taking out a watch.

We team huddle.

"What about 'straight up savages'?" One of the boys said. Man I wish I knew all of their names.

"Nah dude that's stupid. How bout 'toxic animals'?" Another boy says. Everyone laughs at him.

"Why don't we let the girl decide?" Says a boy with Harry Potter glasses. I was so tempted to ask him if he stole Harry Potters glasses.

All the boys look at me. Even Caden. But his stare was way more intense then everyone else's. I could actually feel his burning through my soul.

"30 seconds!" Candice yells out.

The only thing that came to mind was..
"Pizza." I blurted. They all started laughing and I was flushed with embarrassment. Why did I have to say that?

"Pizza, wow I love it!" Man bun boy says sarcastically.

"Pizza it is." Caden says walking over to Candice to tell her. In the distance I see Candice laugh along with Caden she looks over at me. She then looks back at Caden telling him something making him turn around to look at me. Their talking about me. Wow that took a few seconds to realize it.

Candice stared back me again this time giving me a smile. Caden heads back over to us and says, "Game time boys! I mean, boys, girl."


Hi guys !!! Wow I'm getting bad vibes from Candice are u???🖤 😏

can't wait for the next CHAPTER!


❤️add to ur list❤️


Stuck In An All Boys CampOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora