Ch6- Clean and kiss

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I wake up and am not ready for today's "activity". It was cleaning day. My least favorite thing to do. We   all meet in the cafeteria at 7am and I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Okay I want this side of the room to clean the bathrooms of the cafeteria." The camp volunteer shouts and points at my section. We all go and grab cleaning supplies.

"Well good morning beautiful." I hear Caden say from behind me. I turn around to see him smiling. After what happened the other day our communication seemed to change.

"Oh hey." I look away, trying to hide from him seeing me blush. I head off to the restrooms. But Caden grabs my arm.

"Are you seriously gonna help clean. Let's get out of here." He says trying to pull me to the front doors. I shake my head. I don't wanna get in trouble.  I have a solid reputation here and I don't wanna mess it up.

"Caden, your gonna clean whether you like it or not." I say handing him cleaning supplies. I cringe because I sounded like my mom in the moment. He frowns like a little kid. He snatches the supplies out of my hand and heads off to the restroom, I of course follow him. We walk into the restroom which makes me hold my breath because it smells like sweat and number 1&2. I turn to the right and urinals are on display for the whole world to see no stalls around it.

A few other boys were already scrubbing some stains  off the walls. I gag.

"Yea you shouldn't be in here." I hear Caden tell me he's looking at me from the mirror. He looked away and started spraying down the sink and scrubs it.

I don't know where to start so I go to one of the stalls. These toilets look cleaner than the urinals. I look on the walls and there was writings everywhere.

One reads: fuck this camp bro.

"I wrote that one last year." Someone from behind me says making me jump. I turn around to see a very gorgeous guy. He looked dangerous, a rebel. He had blonde hair with black highlights in it, he wore a black thrasher hoodie, ripped jeans, and black vans.

"Oh you scared me." I said placing my hand on my heart. It was racing. Not because he scared me but his gorgeous looks did. Don't worry Caden is still in first place.

"Sorry about that. I'm Damon." He says picking up the towel I had in my hand a few seconds ago.

"I'm-" he cuts me off before I could finish.

"Skylar." He finishes for me. I'm not surprised that he knows my name.

"Yea." I said with a smile. He doesn't give me one back and I sort of get offended.

"You must hate this camp too, huh?" Damon says handing me the towel.

"It's okay." I say. I think about Caden when I say this. He's the one that made this camp a little better since my arrival.

"Well I'll see you around." Damon says. He stares at my lips for awhile. He leans in and kisses me. The surprising part was I kissed back but I quickly stopped.

"What was that for?!" I say wiping my lips.

"I'm sorry I don't know what happened." He says racing out of the restroom before I could even speak.

That was so bizarre I barely met the guy and he kissed me. I come out of the stall and I look around for Caden. I don't see him so I walk out of the restroom to find Damon. I have to ask him why he did that. It feels like a prank. 

My first kiss was suppose to be Caden not Damon.


Omggg! This chapter tho☹️.

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