First Bite~

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"How did you find out, Hime-chan?" Kou's voice slightly irritated me, because it sounded like that weirdo didn't even care whether I knew or not.

"Those Sakamaki's are vampires too, right?" I asked, crossing my arms on top of my chest.

The mood seemed to dampen from the very name. And it went silent for a moment before Yuma teleported behind me.

"Now since you know, it wouldn't hurt to take a bite." He said before puncturing my neck. I held back some of the pain, by biting my tongue, but some whimpers escaped.

That bastard. He was literally sucking me dry. Everyone else was trying to get him off of me, while I was trying to push him off. Yuma is practically a giant boulder though.

Finally, they managed to pull him off and I instantly sank to the ground, gasping. I looked back at the person who had bit me.

Yuma's eyes were filled with lust, desire, and a small bit of regret. I touched my neck, the wound was actually really deep. And he had sucked a ton out.

They all stared at me as the wound closed and was replaced by undisturbed, snowy skin.

"That should have killed you.... Yet you healed..." Azusa said, taking a step forward.

"Not exactly... Only the outside is healed.. I still lost a sh*t load of blood." I said the last part, glaring at Yuma.

"I'm going to my room...." I stood up, but instantly regretted it. My vision blurred and the while world seemed like it was spinning round and round.

Was I falling backwards? The last thing I saw was a blurry face.

'And then, Darkness.....'


"Damnit! Yuma! You almost sucked her dry!" Ruki yelled while having and unconscious Himeko in his arms.

Yuma just looked away, eyes showing a bit of guilt.

"But you can't blame Yuma, after all, do you smell her blood?" Kou said.

It was true. Himeko's scent was everywhere. The scent of her blood stuck on everything. Their clothing, the furniture, even the carpet and the air was contaminated with the scent of her mouth-watering blood.

It took all of their willpower to not take advantage and suck her dry. Although they were curious about how her skin healed as soon as Yuma was off, they're concerns were more on not killing Himeko at the moment.

They had all crowded around the sleeping girl as her face returned only a slight bit of color.

"*sigh* I wish I was the one to bite her... Its no fair that Yuma-kun got to almost suck her dry~" Kou whined.

Ruki called for the maid to take her to her room and her her clothes changed. Kou happily agreed to "help" but Ruki commanded him to stay.

After the maid had left, and Kou finally stopped whining, Ruki started raging on Yuma.

"What the hell was that for, Yuma?!" Ruki yelled, throwing his hands in the air, in fury.

Yuma only looked away. "I figured since she already knew, it wouldn't hurt to bite..." Yuma said while shrugging like no big deal.

"Yuma, you could have killed her. She's the only way to "that person's" death. He probably kill us all if you killed her! And you know how huge our debt is to him."

"Tch... Yeah, yeah..." Yuma said before teleporting to his room.

Ruki looked angrily at the ceiling, as if trying to control his anger.

"That person", they owned so much to him. He saved their pity little lives. He gave them the chance to live after being thrown into the deepest depths of hell and despair. Although he was free & easy going, Ruki knew if they destroyed his only way to his long wanted death, he would kill all of them and make them feel crazy, horrible pain, that wouldn't even compare to what they been through when they were young.

But what most troubled the eldest vampire in the house, was how that girl was able to heal in seconds. Sure, her lost blood didn't come back entirely, but her skin had healed as if there was no fang marks to begin with. Yuma's scent and claim was gone too.

Perhaps, it healed because her blood didn't belong to one sole person, but to every vampire. Maybe she was the main blood bank.

'If only he knew....'

A/N- So, it's not to late for pairings, so you can comment on who you want her to end up with. Oh, and Yui is in this fanfic, she just hasn't been introduced.

She can end up with either the Sakamaki's or the Mukami's. I haven't decided yet. (.^.^.)

Vocaloid Song, by Hatsune MIku~Irony~----->

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