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'You can stop the carriage here.' I ordered the servant. Instantly, he stopped the exquisite, jeweled white carriage that was pulled by midnight black horses that had red, gleaming eyes.

The servant hurried to open the door, and helped me step down with care and grace.

'My Queen, are you sure you want to go to her? I mean she is-'

'No, I've made up my mind, Father sending men to kill him, and I cannot afford to see him die because of me. This is the only choice.' I said with confidence while holding my head high to look at the castle in front of me.

Everything screamed darkness and evil around the old, stone castle, the high walls covered with poison ivy slowly crawling up to the top.

The wind harshly blew making my sapphire gown swish this way and that way.

Instead of wearing my enormous crown that was made out of gold and other glamorous jewels, I wore my head band crown that had silver lining and an upside down tear drop made of a sparkling blue gem.

Since the weather was also chilly in this time of fall October, and my dress was almost sleeve-less, I wore a black cloak over my bare shoulders.

The tall, untended grass hit against each other as the grey black clouds came rolling in, signaling there was a storm approaching.

'Stay inside the carriage if it starts to rain, this might take some time, so you'll have to wait a bit. And remember, breathe a word about this, and you'll never see daylight again.' I said as the servant nodded nervously at the threat, knowing that if he does say anything, there will be no doubt his life will be torn.

Walking up along the uneven, crumbled stone path and to the main entrance, I rethought about my actions, was it really worth it? Putting my life in danger just for the one I love?

No, it's solely my fault. I have to pay for my sins.

I knocked ever so slightly on the ivory doors, and they opened without a sound, inviting me in.

Hesitantly, I stepped inside, observing my surroundings.

The main room was dimly lit, by a dark red chandelier that almost produced no light at all, giving the room a gloomy cast.

There was thick black curtains draped across the long, narrow windows, making barriers were not a bit of sunlight can pass through.

The floor was a checkered black and white patterned that was glossed and look like as if not a single soul or even a speck of dust touched it.

A ghostly pale young girl wearing a servant uniform that was black and white and had her black long hair braided into a side braid. Her eyes showed no emotion, only emptiness, as if she was a living doll.

'The Vampire Queen has been expecting your arrival, please follow me.' She said more like a command than a offer. Even her voice was hallow and had no meaning in it, like all her life and joy was washed away, long ago.

I followed her through a series of corridors, and locked, forbidden doors that had strange noises coming from the insides.

The girl finally stopped at a door, larger than the others that was made with thick, black metal, decorated with red lining make a swirly design.

'My Queen, she has arrived.'

'Let her in.' A silky voice came from the inside, clear despite the heavy doors.

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