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A/N- This is my 2nd draft of this chapter, because honestly, I thought the first one is wrote was really shitty.

This chapter might be even more horrid, though. ;)


'Wake Up... You need to wake'

Who's voice was that? It sounded so vaguely familiar, but so far off. The voice was smooth, feminine, and had a ring of authority in it. It sounded like a whisper from miles away, but the sound reached my ears as if it was right next to my ear.

But before I could think more about it, my eyes snapped open, against my will. My surroundings included a large master bedroom with a total purple room. The walls, the carpet, the bed, and even the sheets were a light shade of lavender. I looked down to see a purple negligee that was extremely short and I could not remember how or when I got in this foreign room or changing into this.

I instantly tried to remember the exact words that velvety voice had said to me, but the more I tried to recall, the more I seemed to forget. Up to the point where I wasn't even sure I heard a voice or it was just a fragment of my imagination. How strange...

Throwing the silk sheets off, which I instantly regretted, because I had just realized how chilly and cold this room was. As I had slid off the king sized bed, I began remembering what had happened before I had fainted.

Oh yeah... That red-headed vampire... Man, what a jerk, I'm probably kidnapped. I was also pretty pissed that someone had changed my clothes.

The memory of the vampire biting me, flashed through my eyes, sending my hands flying around my neck protectingly and scanning the room. Good thing the bites healed.

Now, where exactly am I? From the looks of it, it looked like I was in a house of some sort, but who knows, I could be in a two way mirror room with a bunch of unknown people watching my every move and reaction.

After a full minute of observing the giant room, I found a dark wood door that could allow two full grown men in at the same time and still have space left over.

As I put one bare foot on what looked like soft, warm, fuzzy, plush carpet, I was instead greeted by coldness exactly like hard wood floor.

"Eishh... This place is so cold... not to mention this utterly creepy vibe." I said while shivering and hugging my arms, trying to get rid my goosebumps.

Trying to push my discomfort away, I took small, delicate steps, careful not to attract any noise, after all, I had no idea where I was.

Finally after what seemed like a billion light years, I reached for the gold door knob and ever-so slightly turned it. I cringed at the extremely loud creak, but continued opening it all the way.

I stuck my head outside the door, seeing a long, dark hallway with locked doors that led to different places.

Damn... it's even more colder out here. I was also wearing a paper thin night gown, making the cold air stink right into my skin.

Should I yell? For help? Or maybe decent clothes? Shaking my head, I neglected the idea, knowing I was in some random person's house, or mansion for the looks of it.

After 30 minutes of constant walking and getting no where at all, I slid down the wall, tired from walking nonstop, trying desperately, but in vain to find a exit out of this place.

And it looked like I kept coming back to the same place. I swear this place was a giant maze.

Being so exhausted, I failed to notice another presence next to me. But this time my heart wasn't pumping as fast, it does that whenever I'm near a vampire. Sadly I had to learn that the hard way.

"Etto... Who are you?" a soft voice asked. Not bothering to turn around, I already knew it was a human girl.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me?" Gosh, this was getting annoying.

"Yes, I can hear you just fine." I said rather bitterly. I turned my head to see my new company.

A girl who looked at least 17, stood hovering above me, hands on her knees, her face and eyes showed such innocence that she could have looked like a 15 year old, that and the lack of having a chest.

Curly, white blond hair that hovered right above her shoulders, pale skin, and light pink, worry filled eyes. Suddenly I was getting a sense of déjà vu. Like I seen this person, maybe in another time or place, but I knew I saw her before.

One word flashed in my head before disappearing.


And then I blacked out.


A/N- God, so sorry if this chapter took so darn long and is so short. I kind of had a block. :(

Umm.. just saying for advance, Himeko doesn't have Cordelia in her body or anything, in fact she has like almost nothing to so with her.

I wasn't paying attention while writing this, so please tell me if there are any mistakes or something doesn't make sense, because I will try to fix it right away. Sorry feeling a little drowsy.

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