A/N- A Blood Red Moon.omg.

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Hello my little kawaii penguins. If you already haven't known, tonight is a full blood red moon. If you watched Diabolik Lovers, you probably have, or else you wouldn't be reading this fanfic, in the anime, there's a blood red moon during the awakening.

Honestly I never knew the blood moon even existed, and today my science teacher was like, 'Oh, tonight there's gonna be a red moon.' And I was like, wat. I thought that only existed in anime. lol derp.'

So if you live in North or South America, tonight during 12 am they said the blood moon will start to appear.

BUT FUCK THIS SHIT. Because where I live, apparently we have rain and clouds so the moon will probably not be seen. Damn you Mother Nature.

So if you have clear skies tonight, I hope you get to see the blood moon, and have dreams of the Sakamakis and Mukamis running nude in your sweet and hot dreams.

Hope you have a wondrous night filled with blood. ♡(❀ฺ'ω'❀ฺ)♡

(੭ु༎ຶo༎ຶ)੭ु-*i wanna see the blood moon so badly. fuck you clouds and rain.*

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