Midnight Walk

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Maybe I should head out for a bit... Though I'm not supposed to even go out.

I causally walked out the front entrance and didn't even flinch when the giant doors made a noise.

Clueless Idiots

Even though it's around midnight, and I have no idea where any of them are, they still don't even make effort to see who's going out of the door.

The fresh breeze from the night chilled my skin as soon I stepped outside. Apparently, a virus has been spreading around school by one of the students "accidentally" sneezing in the whole lunch trays that serve food.

With no destination to really go to, I just daydreamed in my own world and keep walking ahead.


"Oh! I am so sorry, are you okay? I wasn't really looking where I was going....hehe, oops?" I exclaimed as I lightly bumped into a figure.

At least it wasn't a crash and me flying everywhere...

Wait, who is the person? Crap, what if they're some creepy pedophile who abducts teenage girls around night?! Then again, I'm also here too...

"Himeko-san?" Shet, creepy pedophile who knows my name.... and has a girly voice with blonde locks and bright pink eyes.

Wait, blonde locks and pink eyes?

"Yui-san?" I said in disbelief, it seems like ages like I last seen her.

"So it really is you..." Yui sighs, she looks somewhat disappointed...


"May I ask what you're doing at such hour, Himeko-san?" Yui asked politely. We were now sitting on a isolated bench, far from any living presence.

Despite my small liking for Yui, we still each ended up on the far sides of the bench, Yui looking uncomfortable and trying to make conversation, while I'm sitting with a bored look, my elbow propped up and my chin resting on my palm.

"I could ask you the same...I just wanted some fresh air..." I mumbled bored.

"Oh, I was just taking a, um, walk too." Yui assured me. I glanced at her before looking back at the empty darkness in front of me.

"You know, you're a horrible liar..." I said, this time, keenly watching Yui's reactions.

Face and ears blooming scarlet, and looking away while playing with her hands unconsciously, was all the proof and evidence behind my words.

"Well the truth...Is hard to explain.." Yui trailed off, bitting her lip.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't wa-"

"OKAY I RAN AWAY!!" Yui suddenly cut me off, with her sudden outburst.

"Okay... Didn't ask for it, but whatever." I said before turning away and letting a wall of silence and awkwardness build.

"Umm.....uhhh..." Yui looked like she was about to say something, but was either embarrassed, forgot, or was haut trying to come up with something.

"You... You don't have any place to stay do you?" My eyes narrowing at her slight jump and squeak when I just asked her about the negative
effects of running away.

"Uhhhh, umm... I, you, see, umm.." Yui stuttered making sentences that made no sense.

"I can't guarantee your safety, but your welcome to stay at the Sakamaki Hell Zone, where the spawn of Satan lives." I said seeing the glimmer of hope in Yui's dull eyes.

"Really? Thank you Himeko-san! You're such a nice friend!"

"Yeah, it's no big of a deal, just enter that Hell Zone at your own risk." I dismissed her happiness with the flick of my wrist.

"Ano...Himeko-san, if you don't mind me asking, are you happy being the Eve?" Yui asked with curiosity, but there was another ring of emotion in that question, and not a pleasant one.


Although my question had no bad or offensive things in it, I couldn't help but feel like pressuring Himeko-san and making her feel bad...

"Actually I do mind... I never really signed up for this." Himeko-san clearing her throat before answering.

I almost jumped up and said I will gladly take the position, which was originally and rightfully mine. But I stopped myself at the last minute,
realizing what I was thinking.

'Are you jealous? Jealously will be what awakens me then..'

What? That voice, came from my head? It surely wasn't Himeko-san who wasn't even paying attention.

'Wh-o are y-you??!'

'Why don't you use the apple? Don't worry, she'll defiantly die, and you can achieve your dream....and so can I....'

How... Does this person, no, woman know of the apple?!


'I'm going to do it, I'll escape! Even though I have no where to go, it's better than here!'

Just as I was about to leave, I spotted the crimson blood apple, still hidden. Guilt tore me apart when I tucked it in my pocket, but it still never left my pocket.

'What am I going to do with myself...'

-Present Time-

Without knowing I touched the slight bulge, checking if the fruit was still there.

'Soon, very soon, I will awaken... And I will achieve my dream of killing him! And you can have revenge on Kiyomi- I mean Himeko. Why don't we make a deal, I'll guide you through the darkness to the light.. haha..' The cruel sounding woman giggled sinisterly and goosebumps tickled my skin.

'What is this? I suddenly feel like all the energy left my body, like I'm being drained out...' Darkness started to invade my eye sight as my whole body started to weaken.

'It's a deal then... Futur was right, you really are foolish! Fufufu...'

"Yui?! Hey, are you okay?!" Himeko-san's bored look instantly changed into a concerned one, and the last thing I saw were those murky evergreen eyes hovering over mine.

A/N- woah I`m so
sorry。I haven't updated in such a long time (@⌒ー⌒@), and sorry for the crappy chapter, I WROTE THIS AT 3 AM OKAY. FACK. And OMG I just realized how bad this story really is. (;゜0゜) BUT
For my other diabolik lovers story, I thought of a great ending omfg. Inspiration is always there for me in the shower (^O^☆

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