A/N & New Chapter- Help

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A/N- Hi, it's been such a long time since I updated, but I have a writer's block, plus...idk, this story just got boring I guess. I also noticed that this fandom is going down. Like no one is really active. I kind of lost the feels tbh. But I'm not that cruel to delete this story. So, I'll try my best to continue writing this story. Just saying now in advance, from now, there will probably be slower updates and stuff. It's spring break where I live, so I found the time and motatvation to write this. Also I found some new animes I like and took interest in. Like The World Is Still Beautiful, Brynhildr In Darkness, Black Bullet, If Her Flag Breaks, and No Game, No Life. I also started to watch Korean dramas, like this really funny, yet good one, My Love From The Stars. But I'm still reading other Diabolik Lovers fanfics. Okay, let the chapter begin!!


Himeko's POV-Limo Ride to School-

"Here," Something was tossed in my direction and I caught it just before it hit my face. Cranberry juice. I looked toward the direction from where it was tossed.

"Now that you belong to that deadbeat, and Ayato, you will need to drink that on a daily basis to keep your lowly mortal life alive. Consider yourself lucky and grateful I'm even giving this to someone such as yourself." Reiji said smugly. Which struck a nerve.

"Oi! It's Ore-sama to you!" Ayato growled to Reiji. Reiji looked as if he was going to say something back, but I stopped him with my voice before he could.

"I don't need it, thank you." I said quietly, but staring at Reiji with burning eyes.

"I beg your pardon?" Though it sounded polite, it was threatening and angry.

"I don't need or want it." I said plainly. I tossed it back it him lightly, and he caught it. He glared at me, his face obviously showing anger and distaste. I'm guessing it's the first time a mortal had ever dared to disobey him. And what I did showed an act of disobedience.

The limo stopped, and I went out in a hurry, not wanting to stay there a second longer. As usual, there was a crowd of girls waiting for both the Sakakamakis and the Mukamis arrival so they could shower them with empty complements.

"Hey, isn't that the same girl that was with the Mukamis?"

"Oh my god, your right! And look, now she's with the Sakamakis."

"Ewww.. What is she? A slut?"

"I bet. How do you think she seduced the Mukamis, but the Sakamakis too?"

'"I heard she's really rich, I bet she promised them money. Prostitute."

Wow. The first day I arrive, they whisper and gossip about me, but now, they're practically yelling that bullshit in front of my face. Not to mention they're looking straight at my eyes while speaking to each other.

Ignoring them, I made my way toward the entrance. Except some bitch had to stick her foot out and trip me. I landed on my knees and hands, scratching them both, so that several layers of skin was burned off, and blood was now slowly coming out. Not to mention my socks were ripped. I gritted my teeth as I heard snickers turning into full burst of uncontrollable laughter. I stood up to face the girl who tripped me. She couldn't have made it more obvious that she was loaded. On her head, she wore diamond and ruby pins, so many that her hair looked like a massive beehive with free, random brown strands flying everywhere. Her fingers were covered with rings and her neck had necklaces that were tangled beyond fixing.

"Oops, did I do that? I'm so sorry, my I misplaced my foot. But you don't mind much right? Slut." 

In two seconds my hand collided on her plastic face with a loud, sickening snap. The impact was so hard my hand was even in more pain, but wurth. And the girl tumbled away in shock her eyes having a dazed reflection as she held her now angry red cheek in one hand.

"Ooo...Slut-chan got mad~" it's bad enough I'm called that from Laito, and I didn't need a bunch of useless girls telling me that twice.

"Murakami-san, if you want to survive, I suggest you drink this cranberry juice and not make a scene in school, embarrassing our family name." Reiji growled in my ear, dumping the stupid juice in my already burning hands.

"I SAID I DON'T WANT IT" I said angrily while throwing the juice high in the air and waiting till it fell down at the right level. I instantly swung my leg so that the flat side of the juice box hit the side of my foot, sending the stupid juice box flying into the night sky. 

Reiji just stood there, as if he had been the juice box himself. 

"Now listen here, you..." I left him mid sentence by storming away.

I turned around just in case to see if that tableware otaku was following me, but my gaze caught something else. 

Mukami Ruki.

No, he was staring at me. Did he see that scene I just made? By the looks of it, he probably did. My face turned a slight shade of red when he caught me staring back at him. My eyes widened as his frown turned into a smirk. I quickly looked away and ran into the school.

I hadn't even made it to the nurse, when I bumped into some sort of wall. A soft wall that didn't even flinch when I crashed into it. Uh-oh, it's one of them isn't it.

"Oi, watch where you're going!!" ?

I looked to see Subaru. How odd I suspected it to be Shu, Reiji, or at least Ayato. 

"Tch. The smell of your blood is really annoying... And who were you excepting? That lazy ass? What am I too filthy for you?! Huh? Answer me, goddamn it!!" Subaru punched a wall, making the giant dent and debris falling to the ground. What was it with the outburst? And filthy? What was this guy talking about? 

"W-what? No, I actually prefer you then Shu right now. Well, if you promise you wont do the same thing you did wall to my face...." I muttered the last part. Subaru at least seemed to calm down after that. 

"Hey, follow me." Subaru said while gripping my wrist and dragging me along. I was about to say something about my now bruised wrist, but then I saw Subaru's eyes. They weren't filled with the violence but they were actually soft. He probably isn't meaning to hold it so tight.

"Here's the nurse. Hurry up and go back to class." Subaru said while walking away with his hands in his pockets. 

"Wait!" I called out. Subaru turned around in a second.

"What?' He said grumpily.

"Thanks for bringing me here." I said while giving him a small smile. I swear that I saw a small blush before he whisked away.

"Huh. Must be my imagination.." I said while turning toward the door. I giggled softly when I realized that this whole time, I had been walking the wrong way toward the nurse. 

"Heh... I guess they're not bad at all.." I whispered to myself as I open the door labeled 'School Nurse'


A/N- Well, little moment with my OC and Subaru. And they're not gonna have a romantic relationship, but more like brother and sister. Whelps, byeee.~

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