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A/N- Apologizes for not updating!! I've been pretty sick recently and couldn't do anything.

Anyway, I couldn't think of another name for Himeko from Ayato besides Busty.

Yes, I know that is very over used, but I couldn't think of another name, plus I'm not Japanese nor do I know the language. (Wish I did though)

Annndd, continuing with the story~~


Ayato was walking down the halls of the night school, currently searching for Yui.

Trying to find her so that she could make him Takoyaki since he was pretty hungry, or even better... drink her blood.

"Oi! Chichinashi! Where are you?"

No answer.

He couldn't even smell her.

"Tch... Thinking she could ignore Ore-sama.." Ayato grumbled.

Though that was entirely different than what was happening.

I'm fact, Yui was now getting her blood sucked by Laito up on the roof.

As Ayato continued to roam the surprisingly empty school, getting ticked and annoyed by the minute.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The air was sick with the sickly, sweet smell of blood.

Even sweeter than Yui's.

Which made Ayato light up slightly.

As he tries to follow the scent, which is kind of hard since it's practically everywhere.

But to his luck, the scent comes right to him.

A teenage high school girl walking down the hall leaning against the wall.

She had curly, auburn hair that went to her waist, dark green eyes, and healthy, white, glowing skin.

Not to mention her chest size was nothing compared to Yui's.

She didn't seem to notice the cocky vampire who watched her with blood lust and amusement, only looking at the ground, watching her heels make perfect, small steps at a time.

A realization came to Ayato as he continued watching the girl.

She lived with the Mukamis. He saw her on that day, where the air was also very, very sweet, and also saw Ruki dragging her toward the school, shooting daggers at him and his brothers.

It didn't look like she got bitten, yet. He couldn't sense any bite marks on her strangely. With a person smelling this good, how come they haven't already sucked her dry?

With a dark expression, he teleported even closer to the girl.

'Just you wait, Ore-sama gonna be your first in everything.'


I'm seriously not getting enough sleep these days.

It's mainly because of those nightmares of the past, plus I'm scared to death that I'll be sucked dry in my sleep.

Ever since Yuma bit me, I avoided talking to the brothers. I'm still pretty pissed, plus it's just plain awkward.

I stopped walking when I saw a shadow hovering over me.

A smirking red head with his uniform is the most oddest way was looking over me like an all you can eat buffet.


First word that came to my mind. My heart instantly started to pump more and more blood at a fast pace , signaling that this man before me was indeed a vampire.


It was that boy I saw on my first day of night school.

"Stay away from them."

Was that what Ruki had told me? I should get away before anything bad happens...

I took a step to the side, trying to escape from a situation that I would surely not look forward to.

As if knowing what I was thinking, the red head also moved, blocking me.

"What, are you afraid, Busty?" he said in a cocky tone.

Busty? Okay.. Rude.

"Move." I regretted how my voice wavered and my eyes flashed a look of fear.

Lucky for me, this person seemed to enjoy watching people in bad situations.

In a flash, the red head pushed me against the wall, trapping me with an incredible force.

"Your blood is getting really tempting. Heh... Your enjoying this aren't you? Don't worry Ore-sama will make it feel even more painful."

Without a bit of hesitation, this jerk face "Ore-sama" dove right into my neck, biting down and sucking blood at a fast rate.

When this guy said he make it painful, he wasn't lying for sure..

As my eyelids began to lower, and my hearing stopping, I could make out some words the red head said.

"Your even sweeter than Chichinashi! I like you...And your mine..."


Ayato laughed as the girl fainted and went limp in his arms.

As soon as he tasted her blood, he had the sudden urge to make her his, and only his.

His thoughts about Yui faded away and almost became a dream.

"I think I'm going to keep you..." Ayato said while carrying the girl bridal style.


A/N- Sorry to AyaYui fans! Anyways this chapter may have several errors here and there, I was in a rush...

Okay, so Ayato kidnapped Himeko, without even knowing her name!!

Ayato's character song, Addicted 2 Phantom~----------->


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