Two - Just A Push Away

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"Uh- um.." a stutter was all I was able to produce. In that moment I realised that this is how deers in headlights must feel. Mentally, I made up a plan -- bolt out his window, jump which results in death or living, and then never looking at him again. It seemed as if his scowl was permanently etched onto his face. He glared at me crossing his arms over his bare toned chest.

"Look, uh, I can explain." I could feel my throat go dry and my hands go clammy. Bryan shot me an unamused look and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What the hell are you doing in my house at like one in the morning?" He narrow down his eyes at me, before I could build up any words to mutter out of my mouth. Being stuck in that situation made me realise how intimidating Bryan really is. His resting bitch face, his muscular and broad body, along with his height. He was known as one of the tallest guys at Lambert High School. But what he was really known for was being the schools official bad ass. He rides a damn motorcycle and wears leather! I rest my case.

Snapping me out of my thoughts he took a step closer to me, "Who even are you?" Isn't it nice when your crush doesn't acknowledge your existence? 

"I'm Jade." I choked out. He glared at me and pointed towards his door.

"This is a easy house to get around, you can find yourself out. Now." A low growl escaped his lips. I nodded and shuffled towards the door with my heart skipping five beats per second. Never. Again.



"Guys it was horrible!" My whining made Autumn lean in with a 'tell me all about it' kind of smirk. Ivy took the occasional glance at me but mostly kept her eyes glued onto the road.

"Okay, long story short, I snuck into what I believe is Bryans little sisters room and I found his room by the band posters splattered all over his door. I crept inside and realised that he was awake but he had headphones in, so I thought I was safe. Notice that I said thought. I tried getting proof that I went in but he caught me." Taking a moment to catch up with my breathing pattern, I noticed Autumn keeping in a squeal.

"What?" At this point her cheeks were red and big as if she was keeping a secret from me.

"I totally ship you guys!" She squeed and threw her hands into the air before wrapping me into a hug or you know - suffocating me.

"Well hate to get your hopes down but he doesn't even know I exist."

"Well, now he does!" Ivy turned around poked my nose with her index finger. As I let out an exaggerated sigh, a wave of sadness shunned down on me when I acknowledged that it was Sunday. Basically almost the first hour of Monday.

"Alright I think it's time for us to go to bed. Plus, I have a huge test tomorrow that I can't fail because if I do I will fail and if I fail that means my lif-"

"Okay, okay! We'll go to sleep!" Ivy blurted out and cut Autumn off mid sentence. She smiled victoriously and marched up to the porch.



A loud and long groan escaped my mouth without me realizing it. Lately, it's become a habit for me to smash any noise that sounds similar to an alarm. By 'lately' I mean my whole life.

Finally convincing myself to get out of bed, I literally rolled off the bed dragging my comforter to the floor with me.

I sighed and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans and my 'iconic' maroon Hollister sweatshirt. It's nothing I usually bring up but all the students at Lambert are comfortably rich, yet heres me. All the girls there usually love to doll up but there are a few people who just stick to comfortable clothing.

"Morning." Ivy moaned as she met my eye. I raised my hand weakly. Autumn was still sleeping so I decided it was my responsibility to wake her up. Here goes nothing.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" She jumped off the bed with wide eyes and glared at me. I marched out of the room proudly and jogged downstairs.

"Good morning birthgiver and co-birthgiver." My dad -- or as I call him 'co-birthgiver' to annoy him -- set his coffee down with a smile.

"Morning Jade. Tell Autumn and Ivy I said hi, it's better for me to get going now." He planted a kiss on my mom's forehead and mine.

"Bye Anderson!" My mom waved with a smile as my dad raced out the front door.

"Good morning Mrs. Williams!" Autumn chirped. Ivy waved, "good morning!"

"Jeez! Stop being so formal with me! You girls have known me since like the first year of your life, just call me whatever but Mrs.Williams." My mom lectured. Hiding their stifled giggles they nodded.

We rushed out the door and slid into Ivy's car. My house is only about two miles away from school, so the ride is super short. But since this is the most common neighborhood for the families of Lambert that means a lot of - excuse my language - bitches are around here.


"Step on it Ivy! I have a test!" Autumn screamed. Ivy rolled her eyes and in a matter of seconds we pulled up into the schools parking lot. We climbed out and my heart sunk.

"Guys we gotta go right n-now." Trying not to stumble over my words, I stammered. They looked at me like I was the Mad Hatter before their eyes.

"What's going on?" Ivy furrowed her eyebrows. I pointed behind them where Bryan was leaning against his motorcycle only about seven parking lots away. A smirk grew on Ivy's lips.

"I triple dog dare you-"

"Oh no no, not at school!" I hissed. She shook her head and continued.

"We triple dog dare you to go talk to Bryan. Can't be that bad, right?" Autumn giggled.

"Guys!!" My screech was so loud that Bryan looked up and then back down.

"Here, maybe you need the motivation." Ivy put her hands on my shoulders and walked me towards Bryan. I tried stopping her by standing on my tippy toes, making my body stiffer, and going onto my heels but nothing worked. When we were just about five feet away she let go of my shoulders and gently pushed me towards him.

I let out a sheepish laugh - "H-Hi." 

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