Twenty Six - I'm Surrounded By Sociopaths

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"My fear of death is set in place by a lie"

Downtown, Foster The People

"M-Mom," I stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse with my hands glued to the sides of me, my cheeks warm, and my tongue dry and tied up. Conner stood beside me with a warm smile and greeted my mom with a hand shake.

"Good morning Mrs.Williams. I was just dropping off Jade after our movie night, I've got to apologize for our Wi-Fi being down most of the night so that's probably why you didn't receive any of Jade's texts," Conner explained as if he didn't almost break Ashton's nose and other things. After the fake-explanation my mom calmed down and let the anger drain out of her face.

Mental note, thank Conner for saving me from momzilla.

"It's been a pleasure seeing you Conner, I look forward to the dinner," my mom chirped with a smile and waved to Conner who was already nearing his car. He waved back to my mom and I and climbed in. My mom ushered me into the house and had me plop my behind onto the couch. "Come on Jade, I've known you for majority of your life. You guys did not just have movie night, you have that every night! Wait – oh my gosh – are you still a vir –"

I cut her off before any other ideas could pop up into her head, "Mom! We had movie night, like popcorn movie night. No Netflix and Chill, no children, no nothing! Seriously, how could you think that?" I rambled still in shock that she'd ask me that.

In reality, if my kid came home with an oddly-attractive guy in his sweatpants and hoodie, I would be pretty skeptical but I wouldn't ask them if they still have their V-Card intact! Maybe because of – I don't know – something called social cues?

"You were awfully fast to reject, is there something you aren't telling me? Because I'd totally be cool with you dating Harley's son, you guys would make some cute grandkids now that I think of it," My mouth dropped at how blunt my mom was being.

"Oh god Jesus! We're not dating, we will never date, we will never ever have kids and that's fact!" I grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and dragged myself upstairs.

"I get it! I'd be sore too!" My mom called out from downstairs.



"So it'd be awkward if I came over?" The smirk in his voice was nearly visible over the phone. I had ended up telling Conner everything about my mom and how she thinks that I'm some kind of person who constantly wakes up in beds that aren't theirs. My first instinct would to be Autumn and Ivy, but that would include the details that I slept over at Conner's and their reactions would be polar opposites. Autumn would be squealing over the phone until my eardrums popped and Ivy would be yelling in front of Conner's window with a sledgehammer.

Polar opposites.

"Basically," I muttered and wrapped myself into a light blanket before sitting down at my desk. "She's literally a weirdly kinky psycho," Conner's laughter vibrated through the phone.

"So basically every guy on the football team at Lambert?" He asked the amusement tingling in his voice. It just so happens that everyone seems to love to see me suffer.

Does that mean I'm surrounded by sociopaths?

"Too bad my mom doesn't play football, hm? Now that I think of it she'd actually make a few yards," I added in. After my dad forced me to watch the Superbowl two years ago, I've always tried to add in the minimal knowledge I picked up from it. Ever since then, I have a tolerance for American football.

"You know what else has a few yards?" Conner asked obviously wiggling his eyebrows on the other side.

"Oh my god, you're a weirdly kinky psycho too," I exaggerated the sarcasm in my fear.

 He chortled across the line and sighed, "your favorite psycho?"

"Whatever," I chuckled, not denying anything.



"Williams," a voice greeted me behind my locker door. I immediately recognized the voice as one of my least favorite ones. 

"Jones," I greeted blandly, imitating his bored tone. His presence was still behind my open locker door which made me feel uneasy. I quickly grabbed all of my stuff and slammed the door shut, shuffling as quick as possible to Mrs.Watson's classroom.

"Rumor has it, your sharing fake affection with a certain blonde-haired boy in lit?" Bryan asked with the suggestiveness lacing his every word.

I snorted, "what makes you so sure that it's fake affection?"

Did that just come out of me? That just came out of me and now I'm pissed at myself. Great, now Bryan is going to this that you and Conner are dating and you'll never hear the end of it. Oh and just watch him spread the news all over the dang school to make me look like one of the girls who jump guy-to-guy. I call them guy-hoppers. If I become proclaimed a guy-hopper by a high school, I've officially reached the lowest and most pathetic point in my life. Maybe I could move to Hawaii, but that's still in America. I could move to the United Kingdom, some of my relatives live there so that would be good. What if they ask why I came there seeking protection in their homes when I have a perfectly good one in America and then I explain it to them and they tell my parents? Oh I'll be screwed for sure.

"Earth to Jade?" I snapped out of my trance and scrunched up my nose at Bryan's waving fingers in front of my nose, "so you like Conner?" My stomach did a mere five-thousand flips a second at the mention of him.

I can't even do a cartwheel, and here my stomach is doing a bunch of Gabby Douglas leveled stuff. "What makes you think that?" Bryan saw right through my pathetic attempts of trying to brush away the conversation.

"I dunno, maybe the way you look at him – your love sick eyes and how you always seem to be happy around him." He nudged me in the shoulder before speeding up his pace to his next class. 

I grumbled and clutched all my books close to my chest, "I don't like Conner!" I shrieked from the corner he had just passed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night! Or is that Conner too?" My mouth gaped open at how blunt people could be.

 "You're a pervert Jones!" I scampered back to my literature class and slumped into my seat which just so happened to be right next to that certain blonde-haired and blue-eyed monster.



so did you guys hear about lana del rey using witchcraft to get rid of trump or something? you probably did but like I don't know how to feel about that lol ok


Favorite color?


probably grey and gold

Baking & Faking


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