Twenty Three - Minnie & Mickey Mouse

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"Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought"

I Wanna Be Yours, Arctic Monkeys

The week had gone by quicker than I expected, because I wanted it to go slower. Turns out the party Conner's throwing is for Halloween which is just as worse as waking up the next morning after spring break.

I don't speak from experience , I speak from movies!

"So what are we going as?" Bryan called out behind me while I sped up my pace to avoid him. If you were to tell me that I was going to a Halloween party with Bryan Jones four years ago, I would have cackled like a witch.

See what I did there?

But now after a week of nagging and never having an arm not around my waist, I would cry in front of your face. He tapped my shoulder but I stood my ground and ignored him. He proceeded to jog in front of me and hold both my shoulders to stop me from moving. I internally groaned and lowered my gaze to the concrete.

"What the hell Jay?" He yelled out loud not minding that there were people jogging by with weird looks on their faces. Also the fact that he doesn't even know my name.

"Yes hello Blake." I crossed my arms over my chest. Blak – er – Bryan quickly realized what he said and stumbled over his words. "I mean Jade." He half-heartedly corrected himself. I broke out of his grip and speed-walked until my gaze met my house. The whole time Bryan repetitively kicked the same rock about a foot behind me. Occasionally the rock would hit my calf and he'd mumble an apology.

"Are you going to talk to me?" He threw his arms up in the air. I scoffed.

"Maybe, if you'd consider addressing me by my real name. Not some type of bird."

"Whatever," his bottom lip subtly stuck out. "You are going to the party, right? Conner would be absolutely devastated if you didn't." A sinister tone waved around his words.

"It's my choice whether I go or not. Even if we are a quote-on-quote couple, I still have my own choice so good luck trying to force me to go." I walked up to my door and felt the uncomfortable silence hit me again.

"So you're going to upset the guy whose head-over-heels?" He scoffed as if I'm the bad guy. "Even if we were a couple," he said in a higher-pitch in order to imitate me, "oh wait. I'd never ask you out if you're such a jerk." I took all my strength to not slap him. Who knew it would be possible for a guy to get on your nerves this much. He continued, "you know you're going, so just tell me what you're going as."

To be honest, I had no idea. I would be excited if Bryan wasn't going but now that I know I have no choice about matching with him, it sucked the excitement out of it like a vacuum cleaner.

"I don't know?" It came out as more of a question. He took this as a chance to shower me in costume ideas. "Ooh, I know! Minnie and Mickey Mouse." A smirk etched onto his lips and I internally winced.

"Whatever," I mumbled and trudged into the house.



"Jade, darling, you have a visitor!" Opal sang cheerfully. I staggered out of bed with a frown. Today was Saturday and I had to go to a Halloween party, another day of the weekend wasted. "Be right there," I mumbled even though she probably couldn't hear me. The sensible part of me wanted to tell Opal that if it wasn't Ivy and Autumn, send them out the door. The other part of me was curious to see who it was.

"Hey," a voice called out from behind. They wrapped their arms around my waist and rested their chin onto my shoulder. Just great.

Note the sarcasm.

"You don't have to act like my boyfriend, it's just my house." I shrugged him off. He quickly regained himself and cleared his throat. "You look nice," he smirked at my short-shorts and band tank-top. I ignored him and poured myself a bowl of my favorite cereal. It's the little things in life, isn't it?

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"The Halloween party of course," I could hear the sly little smile in his voice. Note to self; get Opal to never let in Bryan or Conner into this house ever again. "You know, it's not so much of a note to self if you say it aloud. Also, baby I'm hurt." I turned around to see him with his hand over his heart, melodramatically.

"What about the Halloween party?" I ignored him and his nicknames for me. "What do you think, Einstien? The costumes." He rolled his eyes. Crap.

"So what overly-revealing costume do you have for me that'll make me really uncomfortable and that I'll deny wearing but end up wearing it anyway because of how dang annoying you are?"

"Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse." I snorted at his choice, "creative."



"I am not wearing this!" I shrieked and gestured to myself. This costume shows more skin than costume! Bryan tapped his fingers together and raised an eyebrow, "I like it." He smirked. I grabbed a parka off of the hook and wrapped it around my body, "how's this?" I copied the same smirk he had when his fell.

"You're not serious, are you?" Bryan scoffed.

"What do you think?"

"It is sad that I don't know, actually."

"Fine, whatever. It's not like I have a choice anyway," I shrugged off the parka and stood with my hands crossed over my chest. He stood proudly with a smug, victorious grin on his face.

"It's already like three, and the party starts at like seven." He wiggled his eyebrows with a suggestive smirk.

"That's awfully early for a party, what time does it end?"

"Are you serious?" He scoffed, "it ends whenever you leave – duh. Plus it's Conner's house and I'm sure you won't have any problem staying over, hm?"

It took me awhile to catch on but when I did, I gawked and threw a pillow at him. "You're disgusting!" I shrieked and he broke out into laughter.



Sorry to all the #BRADE shippers :) I like making my characters mad, does that make me a sadist? Oh well!

Thank you all for getting DOD so close to 20K reads and we've already gotten 1K votes! AEEEK!

There's not much to say but thank you, I'll update ASAP!

Butterscotch & Bunny Hops


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