Twenty - I'm Not Hipster!

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"Feeling super, super, super suicidal"

Teen Idle, Marina and the Diamonds

"Oh hey Bryan," Delaney glared daggers through me with her eyes while I smiled sheepishly.

"I saw that you got," he wiggled his eyebrows at my Hot Topic bag. "Nice taste." He grinned. Delaney linked their arms together and Bryan's smiled fell a bit.

"Thanks," I murmured while subtly kicking my converse together. For some odd reason the tension was so thick you could slice through it with a one-thousand degree knife. Or a butter knife. Whatever floats your boat.

"You're coming to the party right?" His smile widened just the tiniest bit as I nodded. Conner came skipping back and pursed his lips at the sight of Bryan and Delaney.

"Shall we head to the food court?" Conner asked with a hint of annoyance tingling in his voice. When I shrugged he interlocked our hands together and dragged me towards a Chick-Fil-A.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What was that all about?" He looked at me with a slight scowl but tried covering it up with a smirk.

"Just call me the Wattpad cliché emotionless, badboy, Soren McKinin." My eyes lit up when he said that.

"I absolutely love Chatachino!" By reflex – and I mean reflex – wrapped my hands around his waist in glee. He looked down at me with a slight blush brushing his cheeks. "Nerd," he ruffled my hair.



"Boo." A voice whispered while I was snuggled under my covers. I groaned and rolled over until I realized that I sleep alone. My body shot up in my tank-top and classic plaid fleas pants. I could feel my extremely tangled and knotted bed head fly over my face to allow my eyes to see again.

There, on the floor was a bushy blonde monster tearing up on the floor from laughter. He clutched his stomach and snorted. "I know people have bed head but I didn't think yours would be that bad!"

"Get out of my room – er – my house!" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him and dragged him out of my room. "Go downstairs!"

I brushed my teeth and grumbled my curses to Conner and my parents for letting the dang guy in! They know his parents, not him! I slipped on my new "The 1975" shirt and tucked it into my high-waisted shorts and wore my black tights underneath. Finally, I threw my hair into a high pony, slipped on my camo-green knee length coat and jumped into my light peanut brown colored combat boots.

As I jogged downstairs my eyes scanned the floor looking for the blue-eyed creature. A creature with extremely gorgeous sapphire blue eyes.

By the wise words of Alex Turner, snap out of it!



"Where is Jade Williams?!" Ivy screeched as soon as she entered the Science classroom she isn't even in. I slowly slouched into my seat, attempting to get Ivy's attention by shooting daggers at her with my eyes. She narrowed her eyes and darted her eyes everywhere but her facial expression became more relaxed once she made eye-contact with me.

Her and her now flushed up cheeks trudged towards the back where I was. "Come to the bathroom at twelve, alright?" She whispered frantically and rushed out of the classroom before the bell rang.



The hallway was empty which let me put my guard down for any snak- Delaney and Jenna. Defense mode was kicked in when a pair of hands blocked my vision, "I will knee you where the sun sure as hell don't shine if you don't let me see!" I made a silent prayer that it was a guy otherwise that sure would have been awkward.

I could practically hear the 'girl' ; "I'm pretty sure that the sun shines on my chest."

The voice snapped me back to reality, "Guess who, hipster?" it sang.

"I'm not a hipster, Conner I swea –" I turned around and suddenly invisible Ursula stole my voice! Bryan stood before me with a puzzle expression.

"That's who I need to talk to you about," he muttered and scratched the back of his head.

"Well I mean, I kind of have to take a leak so maybe during lunch?" he nodded and shoved his hands back into his pockets.

Due to the little incident, I ended up scampering into the bathroom a minute late which ticked Ivy off. But as soon as I got there she let out the squeal she'd been keeping in.

"We're all going to the party on Saturday, understood?" I nodded. "You've had a crush on Bryan since like the seventh grade, correct?" She questioned me and I nodded obediently. "Well this is when you make your move."



"What do you want?" I hissed at Bryan quietly. Never in a million years would I think that I'd be so close to Bryan – my crush for like five years – behind the school with absolutely no one in sight. And I bet the Lord didn't even know that I would actually snap at him. But he did separate me and my yogurt.

"Look, you're probably going to freak out and reject me," my heart skipped at least five beats in that moment. "You obviously know how Conner actually likes you. I'm aware that y'all are being a fake couple but I honestly don't know why but Conner was my best friend but he hooked up with Jenna and I need to get revenge on the asshole."

I swallowed a lump or three in my throat and felt myself break into a sweat. Conner actually liked me?

But he treats every girl like that. I nodded anyway. "What does that have to do with me?"

"Don't scream, yell, or do anything attention-causing. The last thing I need is for people to think that I'm threatening you or something." For like the fourth time, I obediently nodded. He took in a deep breath and stayed silent for a few moments before running his hands through his hair which made it fly in all other directions. He looked me straight in the eyes.

"I need you to fake date me."


@twentyonesecondsofphan I love you :)

\-| STAY ALIVE |-/

Bunny Flooff & Pillow Poof


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