Thirteen - Shock'o'Shivers

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"Conner, Rae? What happened?" A slight groan escaped my mouth. Conner leaned against the wall scrolling through his phone while Rae took a nap on the seat next to the door of the nurse's office.

"Sleeping Beauty's awake!" Conner cheered. Rae muttered a few incoherent words which I'm glad my somewhat innocent ears were not exposed to.

"Are you okay?" Rae asked from her seat while Conner dangled his head over mine. "Just peachy," I rubbed my forehead and rolled my eyes.

"Gym is almost over so I guess we could just chill here," Rae shrugged.

Sure, it is.

I glanced over to the clock. "Half an hour is pretty short isn't it?" my sarcastic tone made Rae whine.

"Please," she stretched the 'e'.

"Nope." I hopped off the cushioned bench I was laying on and dragged her towards the door.

"I feel included!" Conner smiled before jumping onto my back.

"Conner, if you don't get off" he rested his head on my shoulder "I'll drop you! How are you even able to get on my back, you're like a foot taller than me."

"You know what else is a foot long?"

"Alright let's go!" I snapped before this conversation could get any longer.



"I ship Jonner," Ivy announced proudly and narrowed her eyes at Autumn.

"Jonner is a goner! Brade is the original," Autumn scoffed and threw her arms up into the air.

"Guys, I'm not getting with any of them."

"Jonner for the win!" Ivy screamed and everyone's eyes were glued onto the right corner of the bleachers where we were awkwardly smiling.

"Nothing to see here!" Autumn grumped. The crowd shrugged it off and found something else to glue their eyes on.

And so did I.

Boy, how I wish I didn't have to see a sight like that.

Ashton - not only Ashton. Ashton with Jenna practically glued onto his chest. Thankfully, a teacher broke them up but left Jenna giggling still glued onto his side.

"Oh my god, goals!" A girl with brown to blonde ombre hair squealed with her brunette friend clapping beside her.

"I would totally die to be Jenna anyway!" Another girl with bright blue eyes chirped above them. A guy with black hair and green eyes smirked at them.

"Would one of you blessed ladies care to be my Jenna?" Some of the girls swooned while the others started curling their hair around their finger.

"Honestly, that girl and Conner make a super cute couple!" My eyes shot to the voice who said that. Jenna sat next to them with Ashton close by – talking to his friends. I'm surprised they let each other breathe for a mere second.

"Conner has a girlfriend? Oh my god! Who? I will hunt her down!" The girl with ombre hair said with what I swear was a growl.

"This girl named Jade. She's not to big around here," Jenna looked back at me with a smirk "She's right there," A finger pointed at me.

Gotta blast.

The girl snapped her head towards me, a scowl on her face, and her eyes flowing with venom. "I'm going to kill you!" she shrieked.


"Jade?" I scoffed, "my name is Jamie. Whose Jade?" A crooked smile played on my face as her scowl softened.

"Jade! Who do you ship?" Autumn smiled towards me. I took a look at the girl with ombre hair whose anger was slowly leaking. Her friends turned towards me and rested a hand on her shoulder.

Of course, I'd just need a group of girls after me to make my life more cliche.

The girl next to her whispered something into her ear which made her scowl turn into a vicious smile.

"Jade, darling! I'm Madison," she jumped up one bleacher so she was sitting next to me. "So have you and Conner hit it off yet? If you catch my drift," Madison winked at me.


"I'd like to invite you and your friends to my Valentines day party - Saturday, starts at ten. It honestly won't be the same without you," she batted her eyelashes at me with a smile. "Sure, I'll try to fit you into my schedule."

My schedule is very busy. First half of the day is consumed sleeping, the first half of the second half of the day is me eating lots of sugary goodness and finally the last half of the last half of the day is me staying up till three in the morning watching Youtube and then Netflix.

I'm a very busy person.



"Valentines Day party," my mom repeated the words as she looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Why?"

"This girl invited me," I shrugged. She nodded and questioned me.

"Will there be alcohol?"




"Will Autumn and Ivy be coming?"


"Alright you can go." See? This is what confuses me. Usually it's me who would look over Ivy and Autumn; I'm the babysitter! ! I honestly do not want to go; obviously. I'm not the "party every Friday" type of person. I'm the "stay inside never socialize over the weekend" type of person. What else should you expect from me?

The only reason I'm going is to avoid the taunting. If you get invited to a party - especially one on a holiday - and don't go you're practically choosing to go down the yellow brick road of endless teasing and taunting.


Just as I was mourning my Saturday night face down in my pillow, an anonymous caller decided to interrupt my misery.


"Hey Green," a slick voice greeted -- me?

"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong number,"

"No – you're Jade, right?" The voice asked me.

"Yes, and this is?"

"Ugh! You ask too many questions,"

"Well you are the one who calle-"

"Listen, just meet me in the park before it gets dark so you don't think I'm a sketchy person trying to kidnap you."

"You know I'd appreciate if you could tell me who you are," I snapped back.

"You won't come if you know who I am."

"Man, don't know if I wanna go anymore,"

"I know where you live," the voice said in a sing-song tone.

"Creep -- I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"See you then." The voice hung up and a shock of shivers spun down my spine.


Hey! Hope this chapter made up for the absence of me for like a week. Whoops.

Also that alliteration at the end? Made up myself (;

I hope you guys have a great rest of the day! <3 Don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you can!

Or vamet? I don't know. 

Lemon Drops & Cake Pops


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