Seventeen - You Fool

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"It don't matter because it's enough to be young and in love"

Love, Lana Del Rey

WARNING: sensitive topics such as eating disorders and mild language are in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised.

"You're joking aren't you?" A nervous smile plastered on my face. A part of me somewhat believed that he was serious but the majority of me believed that he just came to mess with me.

"You tell me," he cupped my cheek into his palm and gazed into my brown eyes as I skeptically looked into his deep blue ones. Before I knew it, he was barely an inch away from my face and our lips were just a breath apart.

"You are something aren't you Williams?" His smirk grew back but his voice stood quiet. "A fool." He whispered into my ears and I immediately jerked back. My cheeks felt flushed and my body went hot after he stood there laughing until tears formed. Ashton stood by him chuckling as he held his phone with flash on.

I slammed the door not caring if it shattered into a gazillion pieces. In fact, it would be great if it could just so Conner and Ashton could get what they deserve. My body was still heated up and I ran upstairs and logged into Instagram only to find myself in tears after looking at my feed.

Ashton had posted the video and it had already received fifty likes after the mere three minutes it had been up. Autumn and Ivy spammed me with calls and messages but I ignored them. Nothing could help. I knew reading the comments would be a horrible decision but I did it anyway.

"Ew! She thinks Conner would actually kiss a slimy ass pig like her? She probably weighs more than my twenty-two year old brother!" KaylaKarmen commented.

"@KaylaKarmen #preach sister!" damian.dona commented.

"Does she even know this is posted? Bless her damn soul! She's going to be so embarrassed tomorrow. #sorrynotsorry xoxo, d&@jenna_blsd" Delaney.dawg commented.

So much was racing through my mind. I should have never got myself involved with these people, it's all my fault. It's all my fault. Everything is – isn't it?

I could hear the words ringing in my head weighs more than my twenty-two year old brother. They have no idea how triggering those words could be, especially to someone like me.

I was sitting down coloring in my coloring books in my room when my mom came rushing in with puffy eyes and tears streaming down her face. Her usual neatly combed blonde hair was thin and everywhere.

"You want to see what you did to me?" She screamed at me with her hands shaking. Before I could answer she grabbed my pigtails and dragged me to the bathroom. She threw me in there with her and started gagging herself with two fingers and chugging down salt water frantically.

She sobbed as she threw up just pure water. She gagged herself more before screaming at me again. "You caused this Jade! You made me disgusting," she spat.

Even if I was eight years old, I still knew what she was doing. I stood in the corner hiccupping and sobbing. "If you ever feel ugly, you do this." She pointed towards the toilet but then chuckled bitterly.

"No – you should always do this. After you eat, after you exercise. This and exercise will be the only thing you will do, understand?" She screamed at me. Her cheeks were now dripping with mascara and she managed to choke out the words while bent down over the toilet.

"I don't want you ending ugly." Then my dad rushed into the bathroom and covered my eyes. After an exchange of screaming and crying, I heard a loud thump and my dad yelling.

I stood in the mirror with my shirt lifted up and examined my body closely. I'd look at the pictures of models I had pulled up and then look at me.

My phone rang but because of the dizziness I didn't care to look at the caller ID. It was probably just a sick joke anyway. Or somehow Delaney and Jenna found my number through Conner and Ashton to shower me in insults.

But I hope they get what they want, and I hope I do too.

"Hello?" My voice cracked.

"Jade I'm so sorry," Conner choked on a sob. I rolled my eyes and cocked an eyebrow even though he couldn't see me. "Ivy told me about what you've been through and I," even though he was quiet I could hear a silent cry, "I'm so fucking sorry about what I've done. You don't des –"

"Conner, I know this isn't just you. Behind that fake cry and sob there's Delaney, Ashton, and your shit friends stifling their giggles. And I know that you wouldn't just call to say sorry. You want something out of this bullshit and I hope you get it. I just hope you know whatever happens to me, just be happy it won't be completely your fault. Sorry I'm such a fool." I kept my tone calm and hung up. Moments later I heard a knock.

Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong, Ding Dong.

It was hard to not open the door. The person was banging on the door and I could hear some muffled cries and yells for me to open up. I soon received a text from Conner.

"Please just open the door." He sent.

I trudged downstairs, looking like crap. When I opened the door Conner was sitting on the hanging seat we have hung up on the porch, nervously tapping his foot. "Conner?"

"Jade." He looked at me with tear-coated eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I tried pulling away but his grip on me got tighter. He leaned his forehead on mine and stared into my eyes.

"You aren't a fool, I swear. I'm the fool for going along with it." He whispered. The proximity of our bodies was practically half a centimeter before he lifted my head to look him in the eyes.

"Jade, you're beautiful. And I don't know if you realize that but you're just so perfect. You're goofy, smart, sarcastic, and lovely." He smiled a genuine smile, not his signature smirk. He brushed his lips onto mine before attached them together. I snaked my arms around his neck as a reflex and he held me close to his chest.

"You're so damn lovely Jade Williams." He murmured.


this chapter is decicated to @lovingblind for all her #JONNER needs :) + her hilarious comments



i'm thinking of doing a Dare or Dare Q&A so be sure to leave questions for me and the characters! the q&a will probably be at the end of chapter 19 if i get enough questions :) please try not to repeat questions


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Marshmellow Puffs & Candyfloss Fluff


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