Thirty Four - I Hate Starbucks

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" You make it look like it's magic, "

Earned It, The Weekend

As I made my way to my locker, the clicking sound of heels approached me. It took me a bit to decipher whether it was a teacher or one of those Barbie-looking bimbos. "Jade!" Mrs. Watson squealed and pulled me into a tight hug. I slowly returned it but pulled away looking confused.

Yes, she may be my favorite teacher but we're like five generations apart from each other!

"Today is when you're performing your scene," okay time to zone out and rant out in my mind. Sure – I've kissed Conner before and obviously I'm not going to deny that it was freaking amazing but sharing a kiss with someone in front of twenty-six judgmental and hormonal teenagers? Sorry, I'll pass.

I started out planning ways to get out of school for the day. I suppose I could wait it out in the bathroom, or walk to some nearby restaurant and stay there for the day. It would be illogical to go to the clinic's because well, let's face it – you could fall off a building and they'd tell you to walk it off and if you're lucky, give you a mint. Before I knew it, Mrs. Watson zoomed off to some of her teacher friends. My eyes scanned the room for Conner who was no where to be found, but my gaze interlocked with none other than Bryan.

He acknowledged my presence, and for once I was thankful for those obviously desperate girls to suck off his face. Get a dang room people!

I'm probably going along with Plan B, resorting to a restaurant nearby. Hopefully I don't run into anyone I know otherwise I'd rather share a peck with Conner in front of a whole classroom. Making my decision, I shoved everything I would need for the day into my backpack, trying not to look too suspicious. My eyes darted around the hallway looking for anyone who might be planning to snitch on me. That's honestly the last thing I need at this point.

I fiddled with the straps of my backpack and took the long-route to the back exit of the school. Literally no one comes here except for the kids who claim to be "angst teens" or and I quote, "angst tweens". Seriously, there's a middle school close to Lambert and all the rebellious preteens who have no idea what they're getting themselves into. As I picked up my pace, a guy about three inches shorter than me let out a wolf whistle while I passed by them.

Should I be insulted that the only guy that tried hitting on me was a middle schooler? Would that be considered incest?

Finally, I made it to the sidewalk of the street. Cars past by with the drivers and passengers giving me a weird look. What do I look like? A school-girl prostitute? Nope. In fact I'm trying to avoid a very innocent kiss and here you are thinking that I'm basically selling myself to people. Nope, nope!

Staying in a restaurant for at least three hours would be weird, so a wave of relief dawned on me as a Starbucks came into my sight. I jogged there and pulled out a five-dollar bill shoved into my pocket. It wasn't too crowded considering that people were already in school and others were slaving away at work. And here I am, ditching school because of a petty kiss but there's no going back.

When you think about it – I kind of broke into two houses, skipping school is nothing! I'm a rebel!

A rebel who usually gets 'A's and high B's. Okay maybe not so much of a rebel. I don't smoke or to cocaine or anything. Which I don't know why people do! It just ruins your life, and your financial stability. But then again, many people consider their financial stability to be their life. What am I doing again?

The barista's voice snapped me out of my thoughts that could have snowballed into extreme conspiracies. "Next!" They called out and I couldn't help but feel like I've heard their voice before. My jaw dropped at the sight of Ashton.

Abort, abort! Just like what Ashton's parents should have done.

Okay, that was just mean.

You know what's mean? Cheating on your girlfriend who loved you so with a mindless bimbo! That's just ruthless and heartless! "Jade?" He squinted his eyes at me, taking a quick glance back. I'm guessing he was checking if his manager was there so he could torture me. Why is it always me? "Here, I'll get you what you want and end my shift. I want to talk to you," he winked at me with a smirk playing on his lips. I can't use the "oh, I was just leaving" excuse because I really have no where to go. A quiet groan of annoyance flew under my breath before ordering a caramel macchiato. He prepared it and slid it across the counter before flinging his apron off and getting someone to cover his shift.

"What do you want?" I hissed. He looked at me with puppy eyes and a tiny pout, "I got you a macchiato and this is how you repay me? I'm hurt babe." He cooed.

"It's your job to serve people dimwit. Nevermind, just tell me what you want."

"A small loan of a million dollars," I gawked at him with a 'are you serious?' expression. That's such a twenty-sixteen thing to say. "Sorry. I kind of figured you may want to catch up?" He said it in a way it almost sounded more like a question.

I scoffed, "how's that bimbo? What's her name – Carmen?" I shrugged and he bit his lip, "I'm sorry Jade, I was drunk."

"Oh so I'm guessing you were drunk when you kind of intruded my house and forced me to date you?" He shot me a pitiful smile. "You're so pathetic Ashton. Why are you even trying to talk to me?"

"Because I want you," he snaked an arm around my waist. I tried pushing him away but the sinister macchiato kept me from my full strength. At this point, we were towards the back of the Starbucks where the back door is. In other words, the least crowded part with no one there. This guy could kidnap me and people wouldn't notice. He kept his arms wrapped around my waist and smashed our lips together. I nearly choked. I pulled away, making my drink splat onto the ground. The sound of the splatter caused people to look back at us. We were awfully close, still and that was when my eyes found a certain pair of ocean-blue ones you'd recognize from a mile away.



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it's a bit longer.

Also, if you can please check out my book "Nerds Glasses"! I think if you're enjoying Dare or Dare, you'll enjoy ND. Especially because Dare or Dare is about to wrap up soon. L There's one more big thing bound to happen, a cute chapter, and then bam! It's over! :(


Favorite genre(s) of books?


Probably young adult or chicklit (:

ChickLits & Sappy Flicks


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