Twenty Two - Regina George

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With all the attention because of this stupid guy Bryan, I've been receiving more death-glares than Regina George gave. Mainly from Delaney and Jenna. But honestly, who wouldn't be upset if the school's most unknown and least classy girl just swooped in the picture and stole your boyfriend?

I rest my case.

Plus, Bryan doesn't actually like me he's doing this to get Conner jealous which isn't the nicest thing to do but I don't know what to think at this point. Conner and I have drifted apart a bit and the thought that I have to kiss him in front of the class really sunk in.

Just ask my mom, I stayed in my room for two hours pacing around and having a breakdown. It's pretty bad, thanks Mrs. Watson!

If I do kiss Conner, I'd be known as a sexually liberated underdog teenager and I for one would like to be kept in the shadows of my hoodie's hood.

I shrugged on my hoodie and decided to go for a walk. It was a reasonably nice day and I wanted to get out of the house after being locked in my room all weekend. Especially because the weather was getting more and more chilly. As I walked around looking for my keys I noticed the scent to my hoodie.

"My" hoodie. I checked the tag and realized that this was in fact not my hoodie. A large men's hoodie. And it sure for heck was Conner's.

Sure, stealing a hoodie isn't too much of a big deal. Not a big deal if you and the person are dating! If I run or walk into someone I know they may notice, and I'm not too interested in making up an excuse. I sighed and decided to just go along with it and if I see someone I know I'll just throw on the hood.



It was a five minute walk towards the trail. The walk to the trail itself was super scenic considering that all the leaves were starting to slowly fall. Sign me up to be a Tumblr girl!

The trail started a bit rocky but ended up being rather smooth. People ran with their dogs and jogged but like, can you get me the dog? Sometimes I wish we could walk cats, what a world it would be.

After walking in silence for a few ten minutes a voice called out to me and I felt my body froze. I told myself to just make a run for it so I did. I ran which ended up into a sprint for a mere three seconds before I stumbled over my feet and nearly tripped into the rocks. The person behind me grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me into their chest.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Conner whined with his bottom lip dramatically sticking out like a sore thumb. He held onto my wrist and despite the cold I could feel my body go hot but my mind go cold.

"I'm not avoiding you," I blinked and the blue-eyed monster cocked an eyebrow at me. His bored expression read right through my lies. "Really! I'm not."

Changing the subject, he smirked. "Is that my hoodie?" He poked my shoulder and I looked down. I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah it is, I'm not an idiot Williams."

"Whatever" I mumbled under my breath. He continued to hold onto my hands and keep me close to his chest which made me frantically look around for anyone that I know. If they saw us, I'd definitely be considered a sexually liberated underdog teenager.

"So there's a party this weekend," he paused to wiggle his eyebrows at me which earned him a groan. "Are you going?" Conner asked as if I'd be attending another party after last time. Also he totally ignored the fact that I have no idea of whose house it'll be at.

"You know, I'd consider going if I knew who was hosting it." I retorted. He rolled his eyes at me and mumbled a name under his breath. "Didn't catch that," he mumbled again but still incoherent. "I'm sorry I don't speak mumble. Is it offered in Lambert?"

"I'm hosting it, Jesus Williams – I didn't think it would take you that long to find out, considering that you still stalk my Instagram and any of my other social media you can find." I jerked back from him with a scowl and waved my finger in his face.

"Nu-uh!" I whined. "Uh-huh!" he shot back.

This went on for a good minute before I rolled my eyes and starting walking again. He caught up with me and rested his elbow on my head. "You're a special one, Green." A tiny grin crept up onto my lips without my consent or realization. "How's things with you and prince charming?" My heart sunk when he brought up the topic.

Lately, I've been upset with this whole fake-dating thing and we've only been doing it for a week. I never knew it was possible to earn fifty followers on Instagram within two days and still be completely miserable. I guess I would still be up for doing this but it's a pain in the butt.

"He's pretty great to be honest. What about you and that girl?" I raised my eyebrows together with a giddy smirk. His eyes slightly widened at the mention of the girl with brown hair and eyes.

"She's pretty and pretty great too." He smiled. Awh.

"So," I extended my 'o', "what's her name?"

"She doesn't go to our school, I don't think you'd know her."

"Ooh, alright." I elbowed him. He ruffled my hair and slouched down onto a bench. I followed after him and sat criss-cross on the bench.

Perks of being a tiny-short midget like me!

"Oh and by the way, my mom invited your family for Thanksgiving dinner." He casually commented while I nearly choked on my water. "Looks like we're getting two dresses," he smirked and played with my hair.

"Fabulous," I muttered knowing that I wouldn't have a choice on going anyway. The party and the dinner.


Hey guys!

Happy weekend! Whoop! 

I don't have much to say but if you'd like and if you'd like to help me out, check out my other book I just published! It's called "Not Such a Royal Princess". About NSRP and DOD is at the end of "Not Such a Royal Princess" but I know for a fact I'd definitely be updating DOD more. 

This chapter was honestly just more of a filler and I apologize, but I p

Sugar Plums & Dancing Chumps


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