Three - Awkward Encounters

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"Can I help you?" He continued to devote all his attention to his phone while his tawny brown hair covered his face. I glanced behind me to find Autumn and Ivy, grinning ear to ear and shooting me thumbs up.

After awhile of not talking, very awkward, Bryan looked up at me. "Are you okay?" I could feel my knees turn to jelly and my heart flutter. It might just be me who gets lost into his dark colbat blue eyes whenever I look into them. "Yeah, I just wanted to say hi I guess." My heart raced as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Aren't you the girl who broke into my house last night?" He leaned against his motorcycle amused at the uncomfortable situation he'd put me in. It took me a moment - or two - to stir up the correct words and to not mess up even more.

Yet, I still managed to stutter. "W-what me? Oh no, of course not! I would never ever break into someone's home! That doesn't sound like me at all." I maunder. His calm reaction made me perceive how different we are.

"Cool. Bye." He straightened himself out and walked towards the school. Leaving me in utter, absolute shock. Sure talking to your crush is something easy for some people, but when you're Jade Williams and your crush is the proclaimed "badass of Lambert" you'd freak out.

"Jade!" Autumn embraced me and let go. Ivy was giggling like a baby and I stood there staring wide-eyed. "Come on!" Ivy started running towards the school and continued giggling like a maniac letting all eyes glue onto us.

I threw on my hood over my face trying to ignore the glares and smirks. A few people laughed and chuckled but not too long.

Ivy and Autumn made their lockers in the next hall. I sighed and unlocked my locker just to have nearly everything tumble down onto me.

I'm very organized.

Note the sarcasm.

My body heated up when a harsh pair of strong hands gripped onto my waist. I yelped and jolted my head backwards.

His smirk slightly grew as he stared at me with his unique light-grey eyes with the most subtle hint of green. The guy seemed to be around a year or so older than me.  He kept his grip on me although I noticed him.

Awkwardly, I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, I'd appreciate it if you set me down," he chuckled barely moving his lips apart.

"Listen beautiful," he set me down "I don't really know why I have to do this, but I was paid to so.." the strange guy's hands wrapped around my upper waist when a voice scolded him.

"Sir, what do you think you're doing?" A voice - what I assume belongs to a lady in her mid forties - snapped. He immediately dropped me without warning making me slightly stumble into my locker. From what I could take in, he ran away through the back door.

"I'm sorry dear. Was he bothering you?" Her harsh tone quickly dropped to a smooth honey coated one. I simply shook my head and picked up my things along with her help. "If someone ever bothers you, my door is always open." She smiled and took off with her heels clicking every step.

As soon as I finished shoving everything back into my locker the bell had rung. Everybody had already made their way to class at least ten minutes before hand but I was stuck here trying to shuffle my way to class without tripping.



"You're late. That'll result in a detention." My math teacher, Mr. Lemoy abruptly announced. I nodded and quickly took my seat, biting my cheek.

His monotone voice went through one ear and out the other. Which isn't the best thing to happen considering Math is one of my not so great grades.

"Would anyone like to answer number four?" The silence stood. "Anyone? I suppose I'll call on someone myself."

"Mr. Jones." He trudged towards Bryan in the back. Bryan kept his cool and looked up at him. "Feet off the desk, and answer number four." Mr. Lemoy snapped. A bored expression dawned over Bryans face whilst he studied the board for a mere second.

"I'm fine, thank you." Bryan smiled.

"It isn't a choice, Mr. Jones. If you don't answer, you know how much joy I find in giving out detentions." Bryan didn't move an inch. He kept his feet on his desk and kept his arms around the back of his neck carelessly.  "Detention it is then."



Ivy and Autumn met up with me after eight period at the main corridor. "I'm almost one hundred percent sure I failed that test." Autumn slouched.

"I'm guessing a one hundred percent wasn't what you got!" Ivy joked. "Ba dum tiss!" Autumn glared at her which made Ivy smile weakly. Right when we were about to pass the detention room Mr. Lemoy retaliated, "Ms. Williams! You know better than to skip detention! Extra hour!" Ivy and Autumn raised an eyebrow at me.

I exhaled and slugged into the classroom. A number of thoughts ran through my head. How am I supposed to explain this to my parents? Will this impact my future? What do I do while in detention? Mr. Lemoy slammed the door behind him and gestured for me to take a seat.

I took a quick glance at everyone here. Three students were on their phones, two were doodling on the desk, and the rest were asleep. In comparison, this made me look like the goody two shoes who never gets detention. Which I guess is true. I'm not a kiss-up, I'm not studious, I'm not bad, I'm just me.

It occurred to me that I knew no one here except for Bryan and there were no completely alone seats. There were tables, one empty desk and a chair. I hunched into the desk next to him and laid my head on the surface.

"First time in detention?" Bryan asked without taking his attention off of his shoes in front of him. I nodded. "There's a plan to get out that I can show you," His voice remained low and calm.

"Why not?" I bit my lip and smiled.

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