Thirty Seven - Christmas Shopping

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"With the exception of you i dislike everyone in the room"

Stop the World I Wanna Get Off With You, Arctic Monkeys

"So, so, so," my dad bit his lower lip trying to keep away a squeal – yes my dad can get excited – but nothing could keep him from doing his happy dance all over the house. It consists of him bouncing off the walls, stomping everywhere with a huge grin, and him high-fiving everything in sight even if it didn't have hands. "You seem to be more upbeat nowadays, which is great!" He chirped. "I have some good news," he pinched my cheeks and ruffled my hair.

"You know," I slapped away his arm from ruining my hair any further, "if you could tell me now and not keep me on edge until tomorrow – that'd be fabulous, thanks." He rolled his eyes at my statement.

I'm almost one-hundred percent sure that my dad is an emo tween trapped in the body of a forty-year old. Yet he still has the dad jokes.

"Okay, okay!" He tossed himself around one more time, "you know how I said your mother won't be here until Christmas?" I nodded slowly. "She's coming tomorrow!"

My mom was scheduled to come on Christmas day, or even after. The snow storm was also scheduled for the week, which was the week my mom was coming back. It has been completely hectic the past few days with her arrival being thrown around, it literally made our heads spin!

"That's awesome!" My dad embraced me in a hug and quickly pulled away to continue his happy-dancing. I'll let him have the moment. "I'm going to go Christmas shopping, then, bye!" He simply nodded and continued to bounce around the house in utter joy. The love my mom and dad share is actually adorable. They've known each other since diapers!



Being the obviously responsible person I am, I decided to go Christmas shopping without anyone. Just because I'd get way too distracted and end up blowing all my money on my future wedding dress.

I've devised a plan in my head while driving, only stick to the list. So far on my list of people to get gifts for there's the twins, Conner, Ivy, Autumn, my parents, along with Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. Also, did I mention that I have a budget? No more than twenty-dollars per person.

That's right! Whose responsible? It's your girl – Jade! That's who!

The mall was packed. But honestly, that made me happy to know that basically everyone in this town is just as bad with procrastinating as I am. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I won't see anyone I actually recognize.

First off, Children's Place. For Adam and Addison, of course. There are loads of matching twin outfits, but I wanted to get them similar outfits in color. I'm pretty sure they're fed up with all the stuff they're getting.

I just made a five-year old sound more popular than me.

And I'm pretty sure it's true.

When I went into their room, it was mostly mint-colored with hints of dark blue and pink. My eye caught a more-than perfect gift for both of them. A lacey mint dress with a silver chain with an attached baby-pink owl, along with a pair of mint-colored flats with a pink bow on the straps. For Adam, a white dress shirt tucked in a pair of grey trousers and grey suspenders. For his shoes' there were mint-colored dress shoes.


The cashier must have had millions of antsy moms and dads checking-out cause when she spotted me, she gave me a look. "Sometimes condoms do break, too bad it happened to you." She muttered under her breath.

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