Chapters 34 & 35 | Conner P.O.V

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I had been in the Starbucks, trying to mentally prepare myself. I was the one who practically begged Mrs. Watson to give us that specific scene, yet here I am. Avoiding Jade because I'm nothing more than a wuss.

That is until, the door swung open and a scruffed-up Jade walked into the shop. Nobody's eyes moved from their computer or wherever they were looking at. Except for mine.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. Despite wearing the most casual of outfits, she was stunning. Absolutely breath-taking. The way she fidgeted with the strands of her backpack, and how she entered the Starbucks - nervous and "messy".

But nonetheless, beautiful. And nothing less than just that.

My jaw clenched at the sight of Ashton also eyeing her. Of course, she isn't my property and she's a free-spirit. But he eyed her with lust, with nothing but sexual desire. It made anger lace my every vein. 

Her posture dropped as she turned to Ashton. She exchanged a few words with him, but what bothered me the most was the ever-lasting smirk on Ashton's face. He slid a drink across the counter, as Jade anxiously tapped her foot on the tile.

My eyes were glued onto Jade, analyzing every move and expression she made. She's such a complex person, but in the best way. She's like a puzzle that you'd enjoy to solve because at the end, the one thousand piece made the most beautiful work of art you've ever laid your eyes on.

Except Jade is the art. And all the little pieces are what makes her, her. 

Ashton flung his apron off, and got another girl to cover for him. Now I was analyzing Ashton and Jade. Mostly Ashton, to figure out what he wants from my girl.

Okay, not my girl. But my favorite girl? I don't know.

They had a conversation, seemingly only Ashton enjoying it. I had to resist the urge to push myself out of my chair and attack him as he wrapped his arm around Jade's waist. I gritted my teeth so hard, I could have eroded them.

That's when I had it.

He had - clearly - forcefully threw his lips onto Jade's. Her arms were on his chest, but I couldn't tell if she was trying to push him away. All of a sudden, the drink dropped.

Now, the whole Starbucks was glaring rather than staring at them. 

The only good thing coming out of this was the possibility of Ashton getting fired. Other than that, I wanted to throw him in a blender. But I'm not going to jail over him.

Jade made straight eye-contact with me, and I stared right back at her. Her face remained bright red, with Ashton right next to her.

I pushed myself out of my seat and chucked my drink into the trash, not wanting to deal with whatever I was feeling right now. Anger, jealousy, sadness? All three and more? Who knows?

Jade quickly scurried past me, dashing outside without a word. I couldn't find anything to say to get her attention without making my jealousy obvious. So I did what any frustrated teenage-boy would do - over-dramatic sigh.

Actually that's more of frustrated teenage-girl. 

She snapped her head at me, her hair following the movement of her shoulders. Her emerald eyes pierced mine, and she emitted what could have been classified as a low growl.

"Can you not!" she let out a shrill scream. I slightly jumped at the impact of her voice and muttered under my breath. I let out another attention-seeking whistle to grab her interest once again.

  "You know I would have never thought you'd like a douchier version of Bryan. It's kind of a shocker," I mentally cursed myself for coming off as such a jerk. Whoever she chooses is her choice. It's not my fault if anyone else sees her beauty (inside and out) as much as I do.

It's kind of hard when she radiates it.

She took a deep breath, ""First of all, it's not like I wanted to kiss the dude. He's one of my exes and he's literally the definition of a player. Secondly, it's not nice to jump to conclusions. And lastly, I don't see why you care?" It took me a moment to process everything she said.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, a crappy facade - I know. 

"I don't." That was a lie.

  "Then why even bring it up?" Her head hung low when those two words escaped my mouth. I part my lips and let out a quiet exhale.

"Because I'm curious – that's all," I grit my teeth through my smile. She gave me an unsatisfied expression and gestured for me to continue. "What?"

Her frustration seemed as evident as mine, "What do you want?" 

"What makes you think I want something?" 

"I don't know, maybe it's the way you keep glancing over to me?" Her annoyance was crystal-clear so I decided to cut the shit, but at the same time careful not to give too much out.

"It pulled a string when you kissed him, you know?" I bit my lip and gazed at the concrete below us.

"Well it really shouldn't matter since you go off with a new bimbo like every week -" she closed her eyes and continued to rant, but I knew what she'd have to say. I don't deserve her, after all. I wandered off and left her by herself. I felt bad. 

It was selfish of me - leaving her there. But if I had stayed and gotten a real taste of what she would've said, I don't think I could keep my image up. I had fallen for her so hard. 

She left me wondering. For a moment, I thought maybe she would've liked me back. It wasn't true. None of it was true. I don't think she'd ever like a guy like me - throwing away girls like dried out markers and such. She deserves better.

And I could only hope that she finds someone who makes her just as happy as she makes me. I swallowed my pride and continued strolling. One foot before another, one foot before another.

The scenery changed, but my mind still thought of Jade.

It's crazy what a person can do to you.



but thank you for reading!!!!! i'm going to continue making bonus chapters for y'all to enjoy since you've done nothing but be so supportive and kind during my journey on wattpad! you all deserve nothing but the world.

juSt LiKe JaDe

anyway! if you guys want to continue to read more of my writing you can check out my books here:

please support them like you've been with DOD! it really inspires me to keep writing and improving because i know some people out there wanna read what i wanna write haha

Cosmic Brownies Cure FrOwNiEs,


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