Dare or Dare Epilogue?/ Update #2

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I've got to apologize guys, I'm making things WAY more confusing than they have to be. 

Basically, long story short, I'm staying on this account. I've realized that I've come too far, and built too much to just leave this account in the dust. I'm working on a "account remodel" and I'll probably be done with that by Sunday at the most. So to wrap it up nicely, I'm staying here and @persekoot is just gonna be .. there lol.

More exciting news on the other hand, I'll be writing one or two Dare or Dare epilogues, so stay tuned for that! Thank you to everyone who added DOD to their library and continue to vote, comment, etc. The tiniest amount of support means loads to me! 

One last thing! I've been having extreme writers block when it comes to creating a new book. I put Nerds Glasses on hiatus because I really feel like I don't know what I'm doing with the plot at the moment. I probably just need to read more to get my brain flowing but if you have any suggestions (character names, personality traits, etc.), you can message me and I'll probably incorporate it in my writing some how!

thank you guys for sticking with me even through my absence, it's honestly amazing how sweet people can be :)

pajama pants & peace chants,


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