What's Going On?/Update

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first of all, before everything, i just wanted to say i am astonished, and amazed by how a book i started on the saturday of winter break snowballed into something beyond my imagination! this is an accomplishment i never even took into consideration because i would have never thought i could come this far.

100k freaking reads! 100k!

i'm freaking out! this is too much for some amateur but i'm just so taken back by how many of you have messaged me saying that i'm a great writer, and how i've inspired you to make your own stories! i can't believe it! the fact that i inspired at least one person with my writing is making my heart race at this very moment. and i wish from the depths of my heart that i can shower you all with love and all great things in life, but all i can really do is say thank you.

thank you for sharing, commenting, voting, following! every little thing you contribute can eventually snowball into something much bigger. i just - im at loss of words!

i just, i don't know what to say! thank you, thank you, thank you! this is too much!!!

other than your ground-breaking support, i'd also like to let you know that i'm officially "quitting" this account. don't drop your tea-cup yet!!! 

as this account holds many memories, amazing memories by far, there are also some really negative memories associated with this account that unfortunately out weighs all the support and love. i wish i could let go of it and tell you all what happened during this time, but it's just a lot to take in and sometimes i myself wonder how i made it through all of it. 

but as much as i don't want to, i'm letting this go. not my accomplishments or more importantly, all of you, but the title "similienne". some of you may know this as the name of your good friend, the title of an author, or maybe just some random name that i found on french girl name generator LOL. but to me, it's something so heart-breaking and it reminds me of that time that i want to forget. 

similienne? i don't know her!

instead just call me by my new name, @persekoot. that's right! i'm starting over, new name, new books, and honestly fresher and better content! all the support and suggestions, i've taken that all together to create the best possible version of myself! @persekoot. this account, i hope, can blow up just like this one! be sure to follow, and if you've been enjoying my books, you're gonna be head over heels for my new one! 

if i were to make a sequel to "Dare or Dare?" it would be on that account. so be sure to stay tuned, stay woke, and check your libraries ;)! 

i love you guys :)

and for the last time,

flower pollen & bOI IM BALLIN',

persekoot (winkwonk)

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