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Wong walked along the busy street of Hong Kong, the bustling of the night ever present

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Wong walked along the busy street of Hong Kong, the bustling of the night ever present. People chatted as they sat at small tables, some with plates of food in front of them. Spotting Kaecilius, he stopped, chest puffed. "Kaecilius."

Kaecilius stopped, both of his disciples on either side of him. "You're on the wrong side of history, Wong."

Wong planted his feet firmly on the ground, his weapon raised. Kaecilius and the two copied him, their facades not breaking. An unsure look ran across Wong's eyes.

Back at Kamar-Taj, Mordo and Amber stood in the Sanctum, debris and silence surrounding them. Stephen stepped through his portal quietly, his eyes focused on the floor. "She's dead."

"You were right. She wasn't who I thought she was." Mordo replied, his voice low and dour.

"She was complicated." Stephen sighed, watching Amber look at everything in the room except at him.

Mordo turned towards Stephen briefly before pacing around the room, avoiding the boulders of concrete. "Complicated? The Dark Dimension is volatile. Dangerous. What if it overtook her? She taught us it was forbidden, while she drew on its power to steal centuries of life."

"She did what she thought was right," Stephen said.

"Oh, to hell with that!" Amber shouted suddenly, making Stephen flinch. Her lip quivered as she looked away, ashamed.

"The bill comes due. Don't you see?" Mordo continued, his voice low. "Her transgressions led the Zealots to Dormammu. Kaecilius was her fault. And here we are, in the consequence of her deception. A world on fire."

"Mordo, London Sanctum has fallen. And New York has been attacked, twice. You know where they're going next."

"Hong Kong." Amber answered quickly, staring at the wall where Stephen's portal used to be. Stephen turned, walking up to her and standing between her and the wall, forcing her to look up at him.

"You told me once to fight as if my life depended on it because one day, it might. Well, today is that day. I cannot defeat them alone." he looked at Amber, then Mordo before creating another portal on the opposite wall. All three gazed upon it before rushing through.

Screams filled the air as people ran around. The three ran to the middle of the street, staring up at the wild sight taking place. Around them, water sprayed from a fire hydrant, fire was blazing in multiple stores, and cars were swerved off the road.

"The sanctum has already fallen."

In the sky, bright flashes of blue, red and purple swirled around, growing bigger and bigger.

"The Dark Dimension," Mordo exclaimed. "Dormammu is coming."

"It's too late. Nothing can stop it." Amber muttered morosely. Her multi-coloured eyes found Kaecilius and his two Zealots among the throng.

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