Chapter: 13

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They were quiet for a moment. "Why did they say 'the outcast that was once a princess'" asked Gaby "will when I was small everyone thought of me as a princess so they would always protect me and respect me. My dad the Alpha always said that I was his little princess. So I ended up being the princess of the pack." I say and couldn't help but smile remembering my past life. "Tell me love...did any of those jerks ever touch you" Logan asked as his eyes darken "I told you they beat me each day" I said wasn't he listening? "No love I mean in a different way" he said then I understood "n-no my brother never let them touch me in that way" that was the only greatful of. Even though he hated my guts he still watched over me in a way.

"Are you sure?" he said and I nod "Joy did your mom really not do anything to stop them from hurting you?" gaby asked and I give her a sad smile "no after she disowned me she no longer wanted anything to do with me, every time she saw she would give me a stare full of hatred then turn her back on me." mom was never the same after dad died, she became distant after Jared took over as Alpha. "Where did you stay after you were disowned?" Gaby asked "I still lived in the pack house but I could no longer stay in my room which was on the Alpha's floor. My brother locked my room and made me sleep in the attic but I really didn't mind but they did make me sleep outside during the long cold winters" I say looking at my hands I can just remember the frostbites I would get."' At first it was fine since I had my wolf, no one could believe that I survived such low temperatures since they didn't know I had shifted yet, but as time went by my wolf was slowly fading away and I would get sick." I say

"How old were you when they made you stay out in the winter time love" Logan asked "'um I was about 7" I told him "wait if you were 7 how did you have your wolf?'' he asked looking at me confused "as you must already know Logan I'm a white wolf, I sifted when I was 3 my dad was the only one who knew about my shift, he made me promise to keep my wolf a secret. He also trained me in my fighting skills, but I was never one to use violence" I say

After three hours of Q&A's we decided to stop and go down stairs. Logan had gone out saying that his wolf was on the edge and needed to burn some steam or something like that. Meanwhile me and Gaby were in the livingroom eating cookies and cream ice cream and watching a movie. When the movie finished we were both in tears "whats going on hear Gaby what did you do to my little mate" Logan said coming my way and glaring at his sister. "She hasn't done anything we were just watching a movies and...and...waaaa" I couldn't finish the sentence "the really cute and hot guy died living his loved ones" Gaby finish my sentence "yeah what she said...why him..he was the best part of the movies too" I said. I then hear Logan growled loudly as he pulls me to him "you are mine and I'm happy that he died" "Logan it's just a movie and can you put me down you're all sweaty" I say trying to get out of his hold. "Is that so well them" he said "wait no Logan stop...Gaby help me" I yelled and laugh at the same time. Logan was rubbing all his sweat on me "there now you smell just like me" he said with a smirk "eww gross now I'm all sweaty and stink. My life is over" I say dramatically "Gaby I'm taking Joy now" he says as he throws me over his shoulder.

We get to our room but he still doesn't put me down. "Logan put me down already" I say "No let me hold you for a while" he said as he put his head on my neck and inhaled my scent. We stayed in the same position for at least 10 min it felt nice to be with him like this."no one will hurt you anymore because now you have me to protect you" he says and I had to ruin the mood "um Mr.big bad Alpha as much as I love to be like this I want to take a shower I smell like to much and not in a good way" I say pulling away a bit "I have a better idea why don't we both take a shower to save water and you will still have my scent on you." he said

"Nope I believe I old enough to take a shower on my own without any help thank you very much and second of all I always smell like you but I don't like it when I smell like a sweaty you" I say poking his chest with my finger "so you admit that you like my sent" he said smirking at me. I blush as I look away "what ever floats your boat" I say as I wiggle myself free and run to my walk in closet to grab clothes and run straight to the bathroom and lock the door. I lean against the door and hear a chuckle from the other side.

As I finished my relaxing shower and get dressed I walk out to find my mate laying down on the bed with his eyes closed. I slowly walk over to him and I jump on him, but sadly he somehow knew what I was going to do and trapped me under him. He looked at me with an amused expression as I pout "no could have at least pretended that you didn't hear or feel me" I say as he laughs "I can't do that love I always know what your planning before you even do it" he whispers in my ear "but where's the fun in that?" I ask "and get off me I just took a shower." he kisses my cheek and stands up "now go take a shower right now mister" I say pointing at the bathroom door.

"Yes mom" Logan says as he rolls his eyes at me "don't you roll your eyes at me mister" I say as I giggle.

I was lying on the bed just thinking about what happened to day. I finally opened up and I feel like the weight I had on was taken off. I even feel more confident to speak freely, but I still fear that I might say the wrong thing and get punished for it. I have to believe my mom's words that my mate will fix me.

I heard the bathroom door open and when I look up I wish I hadn't because Logan was standing there with a towel hanging dangerously low from his waist. I could see his 6 pack as the water droplets run down his chest "like what you see love?" Logan asked but I don't look away. I nod becoming speechless. I blush as I realize I am very attracted to this god like figure and I felt bold to do something or at least say something. "Are you done checking me out love" he said with a smirk " wait" I stare at him one more time as I bite my bottom lip as my eyes  travel down his body once more. After feeling satisfied I lay back down "okay now I am" I say going back to being the innocent girl I am.

"You're a weird one love and I have noticed that you have gotten pretty bold" he said as he changed in the room and no I was not watching me being a good girl was closing my innocent eyes "I guess it happened when I told you both my dark secret now can I open my eyes" I say "sure it's safe to look" I open my eyes only to find that he has only put on a pair of calvin klein boxers "I thought you said it was safe to look" I say as he smirks "will this is how I sleep" he says as he gets into bed and pulls me closer to him.

I layed my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead and turned off the lights. "Logan can I tell you something" I say scooting closer "anything" he says "don't think of me as a little kid, but um I'm scared of the dark" I say. "Thats nothing to be ashamed of you have gone through a lot and that is why I'm with you to fight away your nightmares" he said pulling me impossibly close "go to sleep love" he whispers I nod and close my eyes and sleep starts to consume me.

I finally got a night without nightmares....

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