Chapter: 24

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The doctors have no idea why Joy is like this, but I blame myself for not protecting her that day. Luckily they got her heart to beat again. I can't bare to lose her, she is my world. "Come on love please wake up I miss you" I lean in and kiss her lips. Suddenly as our lips meet I get sucked into the darkness.

"Whats going on?" I ask as I look around trying to find some answers. "Worry not my child" I hear a gentle voice "who's there?" As I ask a bight light wraps around me. I look around once more just to find a woman that looks similar to Joy sitting on a white bench. "W-who are you?" I say as I step closer to her.

"I am the moon goddess, also known as your mother in-law" she said with a bright smile. I am  shocked. I quickly bow in respect. "No need for that we are family after all" she said as she made her way to me. "Moon goddess is there any chance that you can bring Joy back to me?" I asked just hoping she will say yes "My daughter will wake on her own for she is fighting her own fight this moment" she smiles sadly "what do you mean by that?" How is it possible for my love to be fighting when she is unconscious in bed. "As you know Joy is also a goddess herself. Her body is in your pack, but her soul is elsewhere." She said as she turned to leave

"Is there any way I can help her?" She turned and smiled " I know you don't understand now, just stay close to her when the time comes you will understand. Just keep an open mind" was the last thing she said as she vanished and I was left in the darkness.

I open my eyes to see that I am laying my head on Joys stomach. I sit up to look at her. "I don't understand Love. Just what did your mother mean by that? Just what are you going through in your mind"

~ Joy

Okay so last time I checked I was fighting with some rogues and now here I am in some part of the woods. I hear branches snapping so I look around to see where the sound came from. I walk in the direction the sound came from. Just as I walk pass some bushes guess what happened....I came face to face with a big brown rogue and right behind him were four more. For some reason they didn't attack me, it was like they couldn't see me. They all then shifted in front of me and I quickly covered my eyes. I then waited a little and then took  a peak to see if they were decent and they were.

"Hey guys is it me or do you get the feeling that we are being watched" one of them asked "it's just you, anyways none of team 9 have returned from the pack they were assigned to." A scary looking guy said. "That's right all the other groups came back injured or not" one with spiky hair said. "They must have failed the task just like some other teams, but at least the other teams didn't get them selves killed well at least most of them. We have to go report to the boss and make a new attack plan to kill off the rest of the Luna's of the packs that were able to protect there female leaders." Scary guy said. They planned. Why are they  killing off all the Alpha's mates that's not good I have to find my way back to warn the other packs. The five men then shifted back and ran in my direction to my surprise they ran right through me literally.

How is that even possible? I feel tried for some odd reason very tired. I drop to the ground feeling my eyes grow heavy. I will warn the packs right *yawn* after my nap....


Sorry for your the short chapter.

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