Chapter: 33

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The rogues came from all directions, it was obvious they were thirsty for blood. 'Everyone show them no mercy' I told the pack as they also began to attack. U.J just stood there in the background as if enjoying the show. Four wolves at once came at me, trying to am at my neck. They are no match for me, as they all walked around me they all jumped at once and as they do I duck causing them to crash against each other. I took the chance to grab two by the throat and snapping them, the other two snarled and continue to attack, but fail when take out two silver knife from my shoe. As they both jump at me I drop down and stab both slicing  their stomachs in the process.

I look around as I do I see all my men and women fighting to defend there pack and Luna. Another laugh came out from that man. I growl at him as I make my way to him. As I do many come to attack me. My anger grows. I take each of the wolves that attack by the head and snap it at once. " tell me alpha what has gotten you so mad" he asked with a smirk.

I growl loudly. "Now now Alpha, all this can stop as long as I get my princess" he smirked "you won't ever get your heads on her." I told as my wolf was ready to come out. "Really? You should stop playing with fire. Look around you all these deaths can stop if you tell me where she is" he said as he also got close to me. "You won't find her here" I told him as I kept fighting off his rogues.

What I heard next made my stomach drop.

"Because I am over here"


"Because I am over here" I shout to make my presence known.  All around me I saw my pack fight for there lives and I didn't like it not one bit, I had to do something to stop this.  Many rogues came at me by I kill them with a snap of my fingers.  I used my element power to get a hold of all of the rogues. All the pack members check on one another, as I turn my focus back on the main problem. " ah there is  my beautiful princess" said a guy that oddly resembles dad. I walked up to my mate and helped him with the so called killer wolves that were left.

"You are even more powerful that your mother I see." He smirked. Logan grabbed me by my waist protectively. As Jared also came next to me "Just who are you and why do you insist on having me" I growl at him. "Is that a way to speak  to your Uncle" he said as he step closer to us.

Uncle? Is that the reason why he looks so similar to dad? "What?" Jared spoke out "look like you don't believe me, I am also your Uncle. Your father was my younger twin brother and your mother Joy was our only baby sister." He said with a sigh "then why do you do this to us if we are suppose to be family?" I asked. " you still don't get it. As the eldest I was suppose to become moon god but no your mother was given that place. My brother believed she also was fit for the place and not me. Years went by and I then found out that she was expecting a baby, this was the chance I was looking for." He said as he looked at me.

"What do you want with me" I asked also stepping closer a bit. "If I were to take you I will be able to drain all your powers and take my rightful place" he said with anger clear in his voice "but to do that you will have to get me won't you uncle " I mock him.

I suddenly felt a strong force pull me to him. I imagine pain run through him, the strong force lets go of me and I watch him try to fight the pain. Both Logan and Jared tried to get to me, but before They could I put a force field around the pack trapping them in. 'Joy let me through' I heard Logan through my mind link 'no this is my fight' I shut the mind link and focus on my main target. "Now uncle it's just you and me" I smirk as I lift my hand as I do a vine comes from the ground and chokes him. That didn't stop him since he took a knife and cut the vines. He used his ability to paralyze me, but what he didn't know was that my soul can leave my body and I still can use my powers against him.  He lets go of my body as I grab hold of his heart, but being stubborn as he is he broke my spell. " don't forget Joy I am also part god" he yelled.  I laugh " you are only part god while I am a true born goddess, making me stronger and powerful". He didn't like my response. Not giving him time to attack I focus all my energy and strength to keep him captive and drain him from his energy and replace it with pain. I watch as he yells as he slowly and painfully dies.

The feeling I had earlier came back to me. 'Snow why do I feel this way please tell me' I throw up in the process. I could hear Logan yelling my name. I look back at my so called uncle to find him smirking at me "I may die today but I will curse your family.  Your daughter and there daughters, daughter will suffer in many ways" was the last thing he said before he died.

I let my force felled down as I no longer felt well enough to keep it up.


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