Chapter: 27

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As I woke up the next morning my neck felt so sore. I open my tired eyes to come face to face with strong chest. I try to pull away, but Logan kept me from it. "Logan..." I call him out but he makes no  effort to move. Instead he pulls me impossibly close to him. As he does I see the breathtaking mark I gave him. My mark was a full moon with a crown in the middle and in the crown it said Joy's in silver letters. I guess now that we have marked each other he is unaffected by silver just like me.

I get closer to my mark as kiss it making Logan moan and tilt his head so he is giving me more access. I keep kissing and teasing my mark. "Joy..." a shiver ran down my spine as I heard him call me. I look up to find him already looking at me with dark heated eyes. I start to move so that I am now sitting on his abdomen. I lean down to peck his lips. "I could so really wake up like this every morning" he says as me takes my lips in his. He broke the kiss, running his lips down my neck. A wave of pleasure run through me as kisses his mark. "I love how my mark looks on you my Love" he tells me as he nibbles it.

"Likewise. My mark will keep any and all females away from what is only mine" I tell him as I enjoy the pleasure of him teasing my mark. "I love it when you get possessive love. You are also mine. No other male is aloud to look, touch, or go near you." He whispers possessively in my ear. "Logan. I'm sorry to ruin the mood, but I really need to use the bathroom." His grip loosens and I quickly make a run for the bathroom.

I finish doing what I needed to do. I look in the mirror to see a beautiful mark. His mark was a black wolf with a crown in the middle and in the crown it said Logan's also in silver. I run my fingers across the mark. I really can't believe that we marked each other.

I step out of the bathroom to get changed. Logan was putting on a new clean shirt. "Logan we still need to talk" I tell him as I change in side the closet. "Alright Love we can speak right after breakfast" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

We made our down to the dining room hand in hand. As we enter the room all heads turn to look at us. All the pack members bow there heads as we pass by and sit at the head of the table. "Why are they looking at us like that?" I ask Logan. I feel very uncomfortable will all the attention. "They know we marked each other. They can feel it through the pack bond" he whispers close to my ear.

During breakfast I didn't see Jared at all. Once we finished eating we headed to Logans office to talk. "So what the important thing that you needed to tell me." He asked as we sat on his couch. "So yesterday before I woke up I found out that rogues are killing off all the Luna's. And are going to again attack the packs that they weren't able to get to the Luna's. We have to inform all the packs. We also have to prepare our pack they noticed that none of the rogues that attack this pack came back and are going to check it out" I tell him as I squeeze his hand. "I knew that rogues were killing off all the alphas mates. The three rogues that survived your attack told me, but what I didn't know was that they are going to attack once again. I will make sure that is being guarded more." He said as he placed his palmed to my cheek.

"Logan one more thing. Snow my wolf came to me as well. She told me that when the war is done and over, whether we win or lose I will have about 6yrs to be with you. And after that time is up I will have to leave and take my place as moon goddess. Since my mom is starting to fade and will soon cross to the spirit world. I really don't want to leave any of you, but I really don't have a choice." My eyes start to water and soon I start to cry.

Logan wraps his arms around me and whispers sweet nothings to me. "Everything will be fine love. Lets not think about it now. We still have a long way to go love" he kisses my forehead. "I still wish I was a normal person" I whisper as I burry my head into his chest inhaling his wonderful sent.

I have a feeling that time is no longer on our side. I have a feeling that time will pass by really fast. But he's right I shouldn't be worried about that just yet, I should be more worried about the war that is coming up.


I am so sorry guys. I forgot to update yesterday, but here it is.

~ jasmine2785

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