Chapter 1-New HomeNew school

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Chapter 1-New home,New school

"It's...big." Charlie commented. He dropped his suit case down, staring at the large brown ranch. It was decked out in awesome and very stylish ranch furniture. Shadow 'neighed' from the barn. He poked his head through the door and nodded his head towards Charlie.

"Hey Shadow, long time no see. Man are you getting tall." He commented petting his neck. Shadow huffed at his shirt and rubbed the side of his face on him.

"Well do you like it? More space, Charlie." Mom said. I stayed snuggled into the couch.

"Yea, it's great... but what's going on with you and dad?" He asked not knowing the whole ordeal.

"He got a new position and decided his new job was more important than us." She said lying straight to his face. It hurt to lie to Charlie; he was my brother. He had the Auburn locks that flowed through us,with tanned skin from being outside at sea. He had the blue crystal eyes everyone could see and he was tall and of course muscular. The perfect guy for every girl.

While I was the opposite. I was short, around 5'3. My crystal blue eyes were covered by my big ol' glasses, my auburn hair was straight as a board and was always in a ponytail. Although Charlie's looked more brown-ish while mine had more red in it. I also had pale skin. I was about as pale as paper.

I was also skinny. No muscle mass. Well except for my core, I had abs but only because, I was a competitive horse back rider. I worked out on leg strength. Just not so much upper strength.

I wore blue, ripped, dirt-stained skinny jeans with a navy blue competitive horse back riding champion sweater. It was apart of a trophy I won for first place. My converse were also dirt-stained. I glanced at the clock and it was eight-ten.

My mom must have glanced to because she instantly turned and opened the door.

"Go. The school is literally down the street. You can't miss it." She smiled shooing us out the door. We walked down the street in silence,along the edge of the forest. I stared at the dark green leaves and the wet tree bark. The fresh forest air cleared my nose and made me feel fresh.

"I know you and mom are lying." He said breaking the silence. A swallow got caught in my throat.

"What?" I croaked.

"You and mom are lying straight through your teeth. Just because I have been away for two years does not mean I do not know you guys. What is going on Nirvana?" He asked.


"Nirvana, please tell me. You know you can trust me. Why won't you tell me? If someone is hurting you and mom...I want to know." He sighed.

" is hurting us...Charlie." I said softly looking at the ground. He sighed again, clearly frustrated.

"You will one day, Vana." He said using my nickname. It was silent for the rest of the walk until we got to school.

I was walking by myself keeping my head down like usual. I heard people whispering as Charlie and I walked past. Mostly about what the gorgeous guy was doing with the flat chested and flat assed girl.

I walked up the steps scrambling with the schedule-map-paper-thing and pushed up my glasses as they fell down my nose.I looked at the confusing map and sighed. The bell rang and literally in a flash everyone was gone.

When I mean everyone...I mean everyone.No one was at their lockers, walking...just emptiness.

I sighed and looked down at the map trying to figure out where I was going. As I rounded the corner I didn't hear footsteps or voices and I suddenly slammed my nose off of something...rather someone.

"Oww." I grimaced rubbing my nose. My papers in my hands fell as I grabbed my thumping nose. It felt warm to the touch but it wasn't broken.I looked up into a face of a God...literally. This face should be on statues of the Olympian Gods, not on teenage boys. He was really fit...considering his chest was soft.He had blonde hair that was bleached, I have seen boys do that for those playoff things. He had black midnight eyes that were filled with anger. I took a hesitant step back and took a big gulp. His gaze softened. His jaw unclenched and his eye brows relaxed as did his posture.

"My apologies." He said softly bending down to pick up my papers; he handed them back to me smiling.

"D-Don't worry about it." I stuttered as he placed them into my slightly shaking hands. I always did this when I was around hot guys.

Once the papers were firmly in my hands I quickly walked past him and rounded a random corner pressing myself against a locker and taking a deep breath.


Once I finally found the class I was looking for. I was quickly introduced to the class and I was too shy so I nodded mouthing a hello and walking quickly to my new desk. As the day progressed I grew more nervous and uneasy.

Finally in my last class I was late and when I walked in everyone worked at tables...this was...Hospitality.

The teacher smiled at me. She was young maybe twenty-six? She was tall and slim and she wore a red pencil dress that fitted her nicely with black heels. She had blonde hair that flowed over her shoulders and bright red lip stick. I am guessing there were so many boys in this class because of her.

"Class this is Nirvana Watson. She will be joining our little family." She smiled. I nodded and walked to an empty desk.

As I looked aorund a pair of eyes locked on mine.

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