Chapter 14- Possessive, Powerful and Lustful

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Chapter 14- Possessive, Powerful and Lustful

Ashton brought me to a larger house. Much larger than his. It was old and looked abandoned but he insisted peple still used it.

"This is the house of the werewolf Lord. He is immortal, but in order to stay immortal he must be asleep until he is needed at the blue moon ceremony. He also picks elders who are immortal with him who awake at the same time. They are known as the first." He said opening a door to an empty room. The walls were a deep purple and the ground was grey with three circles with different patterns formed to make triangle points.

"How do you know who is who?" I asked.

"The top circle is the Lord and the two beside him are the chosen elders."

"You mean there are more elders?"

"Yes. One's that aren't immortal but watch the modern werewolf world. Once they die more are elected."

"Is there like some king and queen?"


"Who are they?"

"My parents."


"Wait the ones I met are king and queen?"


"Then shouldn't they be in a big sparkly castle? With lords and dukes and princesses and stuff?" I asked.

"They have to stay here, there are werewolf hunters out there you know."

"Wait, so how does all this have to do with Macy?"

"Okay, a male werewolf has the common features; passion, lust, power, aggression, possession and other deveious things." He winked. I stared at him as he attempted to lighten the mood.

"Loosen up Vana." He said rubbing my shoulder.

"Anyways, females have the pretty same things, except more maturity than males but less self control."

"Self control? Like anger issues? Temper?" I asked.

"Not exactly." He said kind of shifting a bit.

"Well tell me." I said kind of harshly folding my arms.

"More sexual control. Less of that."

"I see..." I said kind of awkwardly. Hey it was a touchy subject.

"Anyways..." He said taking a deep breath to break the silence.

"Being a werewolf has some set backs; instead of blood lust like's actual lust. But would you rather be crazy for blood or sex." It was kind of a question the way he said it.

"Neither." I answered even if he directed it as a question or not.

"But...becoming a werewolf takes away any diseases, cancer...anything that is torn or broken." He explained glancing at my knee.

"So you're saying...this is an "if" statement. If I were to become a werewolf...all this happening in my knee will go away?"

"Yep, and any allergies asthma, heart problems anything like that." He explained. Although this was tempting I couldn't decide on anything. Yea I wanted to ride again. I'd give anything to do it but I just couldn't say yes right now.

"It also increases agility, endurance, speed, intelligence anything." It seemed like he was really pushing for me to become a werewolf. He said I was his mate two weeks maybe that is why but still I couldn't commit to anything right now.

"So this whole thing with Macy..." I began.

"It's just strictly pleasure. Well it used to be. But she didn't think it was pleasure, she claims to be a perfect and strong wife...don't get me wrong she is but...I just don't love her."

"If you told me that before you explained everything I'd probably tell you to go fuck yourself. But after the whole lust and pleasure thing...I guess I believe you."

"So how would a werewolf turn?"

"Well it is a simple bite. Most people do it on the neck so that the werewolf traits get into your blood line faster because of the large vein. But it can be done anywhere. And then after the sympoms start until the full moon and the whole transformation begins."

"Is it painful? I mean what are the symptoms?"

"Yes the first change is painful I will not lie. But after it is painless. It actually feels good, and the symptoms are increase in; hearing, smelling, sight, there is some sweating and increase in strength and speed like I said before."

"Exactly how painful? Like child birth painful?"

"A bit worse...But it'll be okay." Suddenly I got a text message on my phone.


Was all it read. It was from my mom.

"We have to go." I said.

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