Chapter 27-My Rays of Sunshine

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Chapter 27-My Rays of Sunshine

"Oh you're such a big boy, who's a big boy huh?" I asked Jeremy. They were all a month old considering I was out for only a week. I loved all of them. They made me all happy. I loved putting them in matching outfits with different colours, I loved feeding them, rocking them, waking up to them, playing with them, seeing them actually staring at me. I could do without the changing of the diapers though. I was suprised that Ashton helped out a lot too. Most teenage guys don't do that kind of thing but he did. He actually helped a lot.

I finished changing Jeremy and set him in his bouncy chair along with Tyler and Austin. Tyler and Austin took about ten minutes to fall asleep but Jeremy was always out as soon as you set him down. So while they slept I took the time to go for a walk around the palace. I usually kept a baby monitor in my hands so I can always hear them. As I walked through the lobby someone's strong arms lifted me from my waist and twirled me around.

"Woah!" I said suprised. Ashton set me down putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Where are the little guys?" He asked looking around. I held up the baby monitor.

"Sleeping soundly." I smiled hearing the faint snoring from them.

"Well then I guess we can go for a walk?" He asked pressing his forehead against mind. His cold minty fresh breath hit my face.

"Aren't you scouting?"

"I have a five minute break." He said walking towards me making me retreat back to a wall.

"What happened to walking?" I asked.

"Changed my mind." He said picking up a loose curly strand of hair. One hand pinned me to the wall while the other opened a door I did not notice before.

"Was that door there before?"

"Secret closet. It blends in with the wall." He grinned putting a hand on my hip leading me into the closet where he kissed me quite aggressivly, which he had not done for a long time. Just the sweet butterfly kisses were fine, don't get me wrong but sometimes you need more. After five minutes his phone went off.

"Bye, love." He smiled.

"Bye." I smiled letting go of his hand and walking into the other direction. I went upstairs to check on the little guys. When I walked into the room Austin and Tyler were sound asleep. These guys adored sleep as much as I did.

But Jeremy was awake.

He wasn't crying, or making sounds or anything. He was just staring out the window. Just staring. I walked over silently and sat down on the chair in front of him. He looked at me and just stared. He never cried. He could be dirty or hungry but he never cried.

"What's wrong, buddy?" I asked unbuckling his seat and lifting him. I held him in my arms and he just stared at me patting my arm softly. He didn't look angry he was just staring. And soon he fell back asleep.

Then shortly after they all woke up to have something to eat. They usually drank a lot. I didn't breastfeed because I just didn't want to. I used the baby formula. People said there was more nutrients in mothers milk but I liked holding the bottle and watching them drink.

After they were all sleeping again I watched TV in my room like usual...when they started crying. Well Austin and Tyler were. Jeremy just stared at them.

"You guys want to watch TV with mommy?" I asked lifting them which was suprisingly easy and bringing them over to lay on the bed with me. I turned on music because music calmed them and they liked looking at the colourful videos. But soon we all fell asleep tired.

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