Chapter 24-I am a whale!

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Chapter 24:I am a whale!

Suddenly in a few months things started to change. People were scouting more, attacks were more frequent and I was getting much bigger, too big. I already looked like I was due with one baby but I had three. I had dresses designed for me. And tonight we were having a special dinner with all the packs to plan things and to have a bit of fun. The vampires went into the human world, probably to make more vampires. So we decided why not have some fun?

"Nirvana? Are you coming we're going to be late." Ashton said. He was waiting for the past ten minutes. I couldn't stop looking at myself. I wore a white flowy dress that was floor length and brown sandals. Ashton came in to brush his teeth and I sat on the bed and began to cry...again. I was crying a lot lately.

"Vana whats wrong?"

"I'm a whale!" I sobbed.

"Vana you aren't a whale."

"Yes I am. Look I look like I'm due any minute and I am only six months along! I don't want to go." I said wiping my eyes.

"Put on some comfy clothes. I will be back shortly." He said kissing my forehead. I sighed unhappily and shoved on my stretchy capris pants and a hoodie which covered my whale-ness.

I took off all my makeup and put on my flip flops and sat on the bed just picking at my nails. Ashton came back in about ten minutes changed into a tighter shirt that exposed his well built body that still made my heart skip every time and khaki shorts that went past his knees.

"Come on."He said taking my hand. We walked down stairs and he stopped infront of the medical room.

"What are you doing?" I said stopping immediately.

"We're going to find out what babies we're having." He said trying to sound enthusiastically. I laughed at his attempt to brighten the mood but he knew how much I didn't like this.

"Come on it will take a couple of minutes." He promised opening the door. I walked in silently not making a noise and Angelica popped out of around the corner.

"Hi guys I will be right there." She smiled. I sat up on the table and laid back picking my nails nervously. Ashton sat in the chair next to me looking at his phone.

"Uhm...I can go back upstairs if you want to go to the thing." I said.

"Vana it's a stupid useless party. Only reason I was going was because I thought you wanted to dance and eat some good food." He chuckled leaning back and yawning. I nodded not really agreeing. Angelica came out pouring the cold jelly stuff on my stomach.

"Well everyone looks good...About six months and two weeks along...Now...we have baby A, B and C. So this is baby A." She said showing it on the scanner. He was really tiny with little crunched up legs and arms. I couldn't help but smile.

"And he is a little boy." She smiled. I smiled too biting my nail.

"And this is baby B." Baby B was in the same position curled up and scrunched.

"And it's another boy...Now for baby C." She said moving it around.

"Well...looks like you two are having three healthy baby boys. Congratulations."

"Three boys?" I asked. I wasn't disappointed about not getting a girl. I mean there is always later.

"Yep. All healthy. So...a C-section will be done soon. Probably in another month or two. Depending how big they are. But I suggest picking out some baby names and getting some rooms ready." She smiled. I nodded pulling my sweater over.We walked out and he held my hand leading me outside.

"You're not angry about not having girls?"

"No. Girls are annoying. Hence why I am annoying."

"You're not annoying. Macy is annoying."

"I cry all the time. I complain about being fat and you don't think I'm annoying? Most guys would."

"I'm not most guys and I don't think you're annoying at all." He said putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. We walked through the path of the garden which led to a fountain and a bench swing.

" pretty." I said sitting on the bench swing. I laid my head back and he sat next to me.

"Now. We have a lot of stuff to do." He said. He pulled out three books from under the swing and handed them to me.

"You planned this?"

"If not tonight then I would have done it tomorrow." I looked at the three and they were different baby books. One blue, one green and one yellow.

"Now how are we deciding the names?"

"Well someone is excited."

"Hey I want to do good at this."

"Okay you pick one for baby A I will pick one for baby B and we decide on baby C."

"Sounds like a plan." He agreed.

"Okay you go first."

"Ok let me think..." He said staring into space.


"Tyler? That's a good name...Ok my turn." I said staring off into space


"Now Baby C."

"Baby C..." I muttered.

"How about...Jeremy?"

"Ooh I like Jeremy. Okay so Baby A's book is blue which is Tyler. Baby B's book is green which is Austin and Baby C is yellow which is Jeremy."

"Wow that was easy."

"Now we have to pick out the nursery."

"We can do that tomorrow." He said putting his arm around me.

"Indeed we can." I sighed happily.

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