Chapter 9-The creatures of the Night...

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Chapter 9-The Creatures of the Night...

"Full moon." Candace said happily as we sat in my family room. It was a full moon tonight and she insisted on me going but I didn't want too. I hated going to school everyday on crutches. I heard talking at the top of the stair case and it was probably Charlie and his friends. He came down laughing and talking with his other supermodel friends.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked back. He never talked to me like that before.

"Uh...because I am your sister." I said back with the same attitude he gave me.

"Sure. I am going out, there happy?" He said rudely and walked out.

"No." I said sadly putting my head back and sighing at the ceiling.

"I don't know why you are not coming. You know Ashton will be there...and how long have you been dating?"

"Three weeks and...six days..." I stopped myself. That means when it is twelve tonight Ashton must tell me what is going on with everyone.

"Vana do you know this is the longest time Ashton has ever dated someone?" She gushed.


"Well be happy. That means he actually cares about you!" She gushed...again.

"Yea, but I am not his girlfriend so therefore he could just move on to some other girl." I was a real Negative Nancy tonight wans't I?

Don't answer.

"Nirvana you and I both know that deep down...very deep down, Ashton Carter has a soft spot for girls like you."

"Girls like me? Big ugly nerds?" I cried.

"No, and you're not big...small, blue eyed auburn...heads. Now get off your lazy ass and let's go." She laughed.

"Fine." I am pretty sure if I didn't agree to go Candace would be on my ass all night. we walked down into the same clearing Candace took me to the first full moon.

"One second." I said gasping these things hurt under your arms man.

I started up again and we came to the clearing where everyone was laughing, howling, screaming and hissing. A certain someone caught my eye and I turned. Once the clouds past over the moon exposing it, Charlie's face lit up. His eyes turned blood red, his skin paled and was glowing and his teeth grew into fangs. I gasped in fear and he laughed with his other friends. They darted off and then another thing caught my eye.

Man my eyes are seeing everything tonight.

Little miss Macy was all over Ashton. Her body was literally draped over him her hand was raked across his large broad shoulders. I frowned as she leaned up and nipped at his neck. His body tensed. He wasn't going to let her do that!?

Was he?

I angrily stomped my crutches in the ground. I stomped over there and he saw me. A look of regret crossed his face as he immediatly stood up.

"Vana..." He began to say.

"Seriously?" I asked. Macy was behind him with a devilish smirk on her face.

"Vana...I'm sorry. Don't be's complicated."

"Then tell me. Explain to me what is going on." I pleaded. I wanted him to be at least honest with me.

"I...I can't." He said sadly.

"Nice. Well I am going to go. So...see you around." I said before turning and leaving.

"Vana." He called. He caught up to me easily.

"Vana can you please just listen to me?"

"I did! Ashton, I asked you time and time again to just tell me what is going on and you still refuse. Damn I just saw my brother turn into a filthy vampire thing! What am I supposed to do? I mean are you guys having a play or something? With vampires and fairies?I am confused." I said reaching the edge of the forest. I started for my house.

"Vana I can't tell you yet's not the right time."

"Ashton you promised me! You said that if I date you for a whole month and it was going well you'd tell me. exactly four and a half minutes it will be time.So tell me." I said standing in front of him.

"I can't but...with Mac-Please just listen." He said as I turned away.

"What?" I said sharply.

"Okay with Macy, She's gone through a lot of hard times and it was ordered by...certain people for me to go easy on her and make her happy."

"Certain people? Hard times? Ashton I was raped and beaten by my father. No one came and helped me." I said furiously.

"Okay these people can have me killed if I don't listen."

"Why?" He didn't answer he just stared at the ground.

"Ashton. I trusted you. Four people here who I actually trust. My mom, Candace, Charlie and you. Charlie dosen't even remember me.My mom is always working and you are hiding stuff from me and will not tell me what is going on."

Keep in mind this was happening in the middle of the street, dark and raining.

"Fine you want me to tell you, Nirvana?" He asked. He sounded quite threatening. It was actually quite cute but I kept a straight face.

"Yes. Enlighten me; Ashton what is going on?"

"I will show you but you have to promise me one thing."


"Actually two things."

"Depends on what they are."

"If you don't accept them then I won't tell you."

"Fine. What are they?" I asked.

"First; come meet my family tomorrow and second..."He started.

"Fine what else?"

"Be my girlfriend. And actually listen to me. This isn't a safe town."

"G-Girlfriend?" I stuttered.

"Yes. Nirvana I want you to be my girlfriend because I do not want you to get hurt. The only other girlfriend I had was Macy."

"Deal...But!" I said.

"If I see any loving connections between you and Macy. I'm done." I said growling the last part.

"Seal it with a kiss?" He smirked.

"Yea no. Not until you tell me what is going on...And wash yourself after Macy was all over you." I said following him into a different part of the forest.

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