Chapter 6-You look...Good?

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Chapter 6-You Look...Good?

That night I fell asleep on Ashton's couch. He walked me back to my house and when I walked in the door my mom questioned me.

"I slept over at Candaces' house." I lied. I hated lying to my mother but if I said I slept over at a boys house she would flip.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." She apologized relaxing her expression.

"It's alright mom." I said opening the fridge pulling out the milk carton along with Cap'n Crunch cereal.

"Well I'm going for groceries and some shopping I should be back in two hours or so." She said grabbing her keys.

"K, Bye mom!" I called. As she shut the door Shadow bucked up and 'neighed' scared. I looked over to him and saw the frightened look in his eyes.

"What's wrong boy?" I asked. I came over rubbing his the side of his head softly. He relaxed his stance and I turned noticing he was frightened of Charlie.

"It's just Charles." I said playfully pushing his head away lightly. He 'neighed' happily blowing air at my hair.

" look...Good?" I said trying to find words to describe this boy. He was hunched over a bit his and skin was pale. Not as pale as mine...but still pale. Instead of a nice blue his eyes were a dark almost black colour the bags under his eyes were so bad he looked like he had a broken nose. Instead of his auburn coloured hair his hair had darkened to an almost black colour. He looked like he lost a lot of weight.

"I don't feel so good." He said his voice dry and raspy.

"Are you sick?" I asked.

"No. Nothing is hurting I just feel..weird. My throat and mouth is dry and my head feels heavy." He sighed sitting down on the chair.

"Here, take some Advil. Maybe you have a hangover?" I suggested.

"I...I don't know." He shrugged. He took the advil and some crackers and gingerale and went upstairs to lay down.

That boy stayed in his room for the whole weekend.

I thought he was really sick. From time I would check and make sure he was still alive...but he looked like he was getting better.


On monday I was shocked at his new appearence. He looked better than his old self.

He was pale but he looked stronger, more muscle mass. His hair was full and was a dark rich brown colour, his eyes were an even more piercing blue almost white...they actually looked like mine.

He got taller, his cheekbones went higher...I was even more jealous.He must of had a pretty damn good cold.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Uh...sure?" He shrugged walking past me and out the door. Stunned I followed him out. Instead of walking beside me he walked in front of me. He was acting...different. When we got to school a girl with blonde wavy hair came up smiling at him. He smiled back wrapping his arm around her shoulders and kissing her.

"Okay...I missed a lot." I muttered.

"Why are you walking with him?" Ashton said kind of protectively.

"He's my brother. I walk with him every morning. Why?"

"Just...Be careful. Come on." He said. I nodded as he took my hand. My hand felt warm and nice in his big hand. Either his hands were big or mine were small. But it felt nice. I saw Macy glaring with her arms folded.

"Wait, why should I be careful around my brother?" I asked.

"He's not safe."

"How is he not safe? He is my family."

"Nirvana, like I said I can't tell you for a little while."

"Why? He is my family!?"

"If I give you a dead line will you stop asking?" He asked stopping in front of some random lockers. I looked up confused.

"Dead line?"

"I will give you a date to tell you why."


"One year."

"Woah. Don't pull some Edward Cullen of when he can change Bella into a vampire. It doesn't work that way." He smiled at my outburst.

"Six months."


"Four." He offered.


"Two?" He said again

"One month."


"Wait one condition" He said before shaking my hand to seal the deal.


"Go on a date with me."

"A date?" I asked stunned. I never went on a date before.

"A date. If it goes well, more dates after that." He said putting his hand beside my head on the locker and leaning forward. I stood frozen. Was he seriously asking me this? Or was I still in bed at home sleeping?

"Uh...okay?" I said not sure of what to say.

"Deal?" He said holding out his hand.

"Deal." I said shaking his hand.

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