Chapter 23-Once an anxiety girl always an anxiety girl

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Chapter 23-Once an anxiety girl always an anxiety girl

"Promise my ass." I muttered. I was awake for two hours and I was asking for Ashton and everyone said he was out working. Finally I found the liberty to go look for myself.

Ashton's POV:

"Shit I'm late." I sighed angrily. I sensed Nirvana woke up about two and a half hours ago and I was stuck scouting. The next group just came now.

"When are we going to blast some vampire brains?" Tyler asked. Our whole pack came up from the mansion.

"Soon, Ty." I promised. We were all laughing and joking around like male teenagers would do, except for Macy who just stood a bit too close to me. Finally we rounded the corner for the palaces' courtyard, and Nirvana stood her arms crossed her red eyebrows furrowed. She was really pissed but she did still look pretty hot.

"She may be pretty but that doesn't mean she is the greatest thing that walked this earth." Macy snarled. Nirvana frowned at Macy she obviously heard what she said.

"Hey Mace, you're not the greatest thing that walked this planet either." Josh laughed

"She shouldn't be here. She's a newbie. A baby pup would be more useful than her." Macy said rolling her eyes.

"Hey Macy, Shut the fuck up. I can hear you from here, dumbass." Nirvana snapped giving her the finger. Oh yea she was pissed.

"Good luck." Everyone said patting my shoulder.

"Hey Vana." I said happily and calmly.

"There is a thing called cell phones." She said not moving when I put my arms around her tiny frame.

"Look the group came late. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"Ashton it's not that, you're exhausted! Do you not see it? You're pale you have enormous bags under your eyes. Look you're shaking." She exclaimed bringing my hand up. It was shaking a lot.

"Okay I may have only gotten twenty four hours of sleep this past month. But hey I need to be on watch."

"Go sleep." She ordered.


"Go." She said more forcefully. I nodded and went upstairs passing out. I don't even remember hitting the pillow.

Nirvana's POV:

As Ashton slept peacefully I lightly traced patterns on his back as I watched sixteen and pregnant. I know I am not sixteen but these girls are close enough to my age.

"Child birth is painful..." I said quite scared. Suddenly a wave of nausea came over me. I tried to force it back but I lept off the bed and bolted towards the bathroom.

"Damn pregnancy." I muttered getting sick.I curled around the toilet bowl. I was thinking so much of being an early mother, all the pain all the stuff I would have to do. I wasn't ready. Not yet. I wanted my mom to rub my shoulders and tell me everything would be okay. I wanted to hear her calling me Vany or her pumpkin patch (Yes my mom calls me her pumpkin patch because of my old red hair.)

Soon I began to cry because I missed my mom so much. I laid my head on the closed toilet lid and sobbed softly.

"Vana? What's wrong?" Ashton asked running to my side.

"You may think I'm a little kid. But I don't care. I want my mom." I said sadly putting my face in my sleeve. He bent down next to me and rubbed my back.

"Come. I have an idea." He said grabbing my hands and helping me up. I brushed my teeth quickly before we went downstairs. He brought me out back.

"I think your friends missed you." Ashton said. He brought me through a flower path. The scent was amazing and all the nerves flew form my body. We came to an opening where a small track was built and a stable where Buttercup and Shadow stood. Shadow lept up in the air when he saw me and tried to get free from his reins. I walked over and rubbed his neck and held his face to my head. He huffed at my hair as did Buttercup. She looked a lot bigger since the last time I saw her. I rubbed her stomach and it was hard where the baby was.

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