Chapter 19-Thinking of you drives me over the Edge.

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Chapter 19-Thinking of you drives me over the Edge.

Ashton's POV:

"Son you've been doing so well I am allowing you to call into the human world. Call Nirvana and see how her and the girls are doing."

"Really?" I asked enthusiastically like a little kid who found out he was going to Lego land.

"Yes." He chuckled patting my shoulder handing me the phone that allows us to call into the human world. I dialled Nirvana's number.

"Hello?" Stella asked.

"Hey Stells. How's it going?"

"Good. Nirvana is great, better than you." She joked laughing.

"That's good. You guys safe and staying out of trouble?"

"Yes, Ashton; but we both know you're dying to talk to a certain someone. So I will just leave you two alone." She said teasingly.

"Hello?" Nirvana asked; her voice made me pause. A month and a half since I have seen her or even talked to her.(AN:I skipped up a bit because it would be boring.)

Her voice was amazing; music to my ears. I miss her scent, her eyes, even her breath which was always minty fresh for some reason. She must keep a toothbrush in her pocket. I'd have to ask her about that.

"Ashton?" She asked innocently again. I hadn't realized I was in a daze just thinking about her...not just a daze...a bit of a sexual daze. I fixed my clothes trying to hide anything if someone walked in. Damn why'd I wear jeans?

"Hey Vana." I finally said. Her soft laugh erupted the phone and I couldn't help but smile. Her laugh seemed more peaceful and playful.

"I miss you more than I should." She teased.

"How is everything? Like the change and stuff?"

"Oh it's fine here. And the change was a bit tough...but nothing I couldn't handle. When are you coming home?" She asked. I heard the sadness and desperation in the last sentence.

"Soon, Love. My dad said he will let me leave in a week or so. But only for two nights then I have to come back."

"Well then. In a week I guess I will have to prepare dinner and we will have to go running...together." Hearing that made more sexual images come to mind. I rearranged my clothes again and smiled.

"I can't wait."

"Ashton?" She asked.

"Yes, Love?"

"I-I...I love you. Much more than I should...again." She laughed.

"I love you too."

"Really?" She asked breathlessly. I chuckled at her response.

"What? Did you think I'd tell you to fuck off and leave me alone?"

"Yes actually I thought you would think I was crazy."

"Vana you're a little bit more than crazy."

"Good-bye Ashton." She said trying to sound annoyed.

"I will see you in a week, love." I said before hanging up.

The countdown before the end of the week begins right now.

Nirvana's POV:

I was so happy school was finished. School got out early since no one was there. Everyone was in their realms helping their kingdoms.

I was going for riding next year and I would be more careful. Over this time I bought Shadow a pretty white stallion. Her name is Buttercup and they are enjoying each others company.

"Vana can I have a couple friends over?" Stella asked.

"How many is a couple?"


"Sure." I said as I cleaned the dishes. No sign of my mom although she left a note saying she was gone on vacation with Jack and Charlie. So I took that as a meaning of they went to the vampire realm. My knee had no pain it was up to full strength. But I have been getting odd head pains right in the back of my head. They would stay for about a minute or two then vanish.

All I know is that the countdown till Ashton gets back starts now.


And I am rushing this part because some major events are about to happen.

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