Chapter 12- I'm not a Fan of Suprises...

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Chapter 12-Not a Fan of Suprises...

" was just a dream." I whispered breathlessly. I had a very...eventful dream that Ashton and I were sitting by a fire and he said I was his mate... This isn't Twilight Ashton. There is no imprinting.

I got out of my bed laughing at the silly dream I had. Once I had on comfy clothes which consisted of a long sleave and yoga pants with my fuzzy socks. Hey, it was a cold sunday I plan on sitting on the couch and watching TV...well it's the only thing I can do...considering my knee.

I opened the door to the hallway when Charlie walked past me drinking a dark red liquid in a pouch.

"What are you drinking?" I asked.

"Stuff that keeps me alive." He said tossing the pouch to me. I looked at the label and screamed dropping it to the ground.

"Watch it...regular talking is like yelling. Now you're just breaking my ear drums." He cringed covering his ears as he stood at his bedroom door.

"You're drinking blood!" I exclaimed.

"It's a regular vampire meal. Suck it up." He said rudely.

"Listen Charlie. I love you and all but your attitude sucks ass lately, and who the hell is the blonde bimbo you're dating? You never go for girls like that."

"Love? Sorry sweetheart. You're not that attractive and I barely know you, and as for my girlfriend...she is so amazing. So watch what you say."

"I'm not supposed to look attractive to you! I'm your sister!"

"Sister? I don't have a family."

"Charlie stop this role playing game! You have me and mom!" I said getting really agitated.

"Listen. I don't have a family. I have a girlfriend who I will soon join with." He said rolling his eyes and slamming his door shut.

"I am going insane." I said to myself hobbling down the short stair case that consisted of five steps.

I grabbed my laptop and sat carefully on the couch propping my knee up.

I logged onto the almighty and helpful google and began my search.


Was the first word I typed in. It gave me suggestions which were: What they eat, do they sleep, are they better in bed and the final one was; do they have memory loss after they change.

I clicked on that and went to the first site available.

"Newly made vampires are usually immature, irresponsible, cocky, self-righteous, rude and ignorant. This also involves a sex drive, blood lust and infatuation with the one who turned them. New vampires are most likely said to not remember their past. But only older vampires who change them are able to make them forget. They do this to appeal to their love ones and to make the new vampire forget of its past and make sure they do not return to it." I read aloud.

"So either Charlie has amnesia or he was turned by an old powerful vampire. Lovely suprise!" I said sarcastically.


It is a really short chapter but my grades are slipping so I won't be writing as much.In the summer I should have a lot out, but don't expect long ass chapters :D

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