Chapter 3-Hello Mr. God-face

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Chapter 3-Hello, Mr. God-face

I walked along the bushy green grass holding the reigns tightly on Shadow. He walked beside me huffing every now and then. I looked around at the tryouts going on. There was a cheerleading practice for junior and senior teams, the lacrosse tryouts were undertaking. Charlie was trying out, and then there was the senior boys off ice training. As I walked my heart skipped a beat when I noticed Mr. God-Face.

I caught his eye and he looked up as he trained. Well he should have noticed me anyways considering I am walking with a big black horse.

I always had a thing for hockey boys...

The same stern like look crossed his face as he crossed his arms. He watched me cross the field while his team got a drink of water. Finally he was called back to practice...good, I was getting nervous my palms became clammy so I rubbed them on my jeans. I walked to the stable and tied Shadow on as other people groomed their horses. There were about nine girls and five guys...we only needed seven girls and three guys.

Cuts were going to be made.

"We got this, boy." I whispered as I brushed his mane.

"Is that a Percheron?" Someone asked surprised. I turned and a girl with short blonde bouncy hair stood beside me holding the reins on what looked like a Missouri...something. I forget the whole name.

"Yea. Yours is a Missouri, right?"

"A Missouri fox trotter!" She said happily as she patted his back.

"This is Shadow."

"This is Apple...I was a healthy kid." She laughed.

"How long have you been riding?" I asked.

"Since I could sit up straight. I never did competitive though. How about you?"

"Since I was five. I've done competitive my whole life."

"My name is Candace Garwin." She said holding out her hand. I took her hand and smiled.

"Nirvana Watson." Candace looked like a snotty stuck up girl in the regular all American movies. But she was the complete opposite. She laughed... a lot. She didn't dress like a snotty girl but she looked exactly like one. The blonde curly bouncy hair, bright blue sparkly eyes, clear, real tanned skin, she was tall and slim.

We talked until the coaches blew the whistle.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen! We will call out what you are trying out for. Is anyone doing the cowboy competition?"

"Right here!" Candace called walking over with Apple. Two other girls went with her and Ms. Smith directed them to a spot on the field.

"Anyone here for jumping and speed?" I raised my hand as did another girl. I walked Shadow out and she glared at me. I swear...if looks could kill...She had long wavy brown hair, mine was longer because it was straight but she left hers down. She had piercing, gold, amber eyes, she had high cheekbones and sun kissed skin. Which I find hard considering it is never sunny here.

"Macy and...?" Ms.Smith asked me.


"Macy and Nirvana. Okay I will come with you over on the track." She said pointing to the track. We walked over and Shadow huffed at my hair. We stood in silence, she had a simple Warmblood brown horse. I stood with my arms crossed staring at the ice hockey team practice.

"He doesn't like you. So stop wasting your time." She growled. I jumped a bit at the venom held in her voice.

"Excuse me?"

"You know who I am talking about. Ashton Carter? School ice hockey captain? Superstar?He doesn't like you new girl. Forget about it." She said rudely.

"I didn't even know his name." I muttered.

"Doesn't matter! Just because you had a thing in the hallway doesn't mean shit!" She practically yelled. Her eyes flared up like fire as she stared at me. Shadow huffed her way.

"Tell your dumb horse to shut its mouth." She growled standing back.

Suddenly Ms. Smith came over...

What just happened?

We lined up to begin the speed competition. Shadow pressed his hoof in the ground and huffed that he was ready. Once she blew the whistle we were off. Shadow was faster than that girl Macy's horse. In fact Shadow was the better horse. Her horse was short and did not have long legs to push and gallop farther.

Shadow and I finished in record time.

"Good job Nirvana." Ms.Smith said happily. Macy huffed crossing her arms glaring and growling at me. Her amber fire eyes shot daggers at me.


"Okay. We decided to pick the team today. Considering nobody would be cut. We are going to have back ups incase anything happens. So...for boys...speed and jumping is Tyler Mason, for obstacles is Matt Andrews and for the cowboy comp. is David McAdams. Morgan and Jason you are backups."

"Now girls. Cowboy comp. Is Candace Garwin, her back up is Andrea. Obstacles is Meghan Tanner. Her back up is Casey. Unfortunately Jordan and Monica's horses have gotten hurt while trying out. So for speed and jumping Nirvana is starting and Macy is her backup. I will see you guys over for training. No horses needed. You guys need strength." Ms. Smith grinned. There were a couple of groans but everyone began taking their horses and leaving.

As I walked I stopped to grab a flyer for the horse back riding team when Shadow huffed at someone.

"Shadow..." I scolded. Once he turned I noticed he was Mr. God-Face.

"Oh uhm...sorry." I laughed nervously not making eye contact.

"No problem. This is Shadow?" He asked rubbing his nose.

"Yes. He's four years old."

"And taller than me. That's cool." He laughed. I laughed along with him and began pulling the reigns.

"You live down Westwood?" He asked.

"Yea. I live on the ranch it's deeper into the woods. You actually have to turn in and walk for five minutes before you reach it." I explained. Why is he walking with me? I am geek, loser, nerd, dork, four eyes...He is Olympian God face, gorgeous, beautiful, handsome, hot, popular. What is he doing?...Maybe this is all a practical joke.

"Ashton." He said holding out his hand.

"Nirvana." I smiled taking it.

"I know." He winked.

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