Chapter 34-What did I say? and News about story

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Chapter 34-What did I say?

I hummed to myself in Ashton and I's room a couple of weeks after. He was still gone and I was sad that he wasn't here but I had the little lovelies to remind me of him. They were having a small nap as I ate some brownies the chef made. As I was half way through one a sharp pain shot in my stomach. I grimaced and dropped the brownie putting a hand to my stomach. I doubled over a bit and took a deep breath. It was a biggie.

It faded but then another one came back .I grimaced again and let out a small groan. I stopped eating and walked down to the clinic I sat on the table as Angelica wasn't there. Suddenly she walked in.

"What's wrong, Nirvana?" She asked.

"Contractions." I groaned angrily rubbing my stomach.

"Has your water broke? It is close to your due date after all." She said looking at the calendar. Suddenly a pool of...something was on the table around me.

"Well, we have got ourself new babies today." She smiled going to get ready. She came back and I was hyperventilating.

"No! No! Ashton's not here!" I said practically yelling.

"Nirvana he could be delayed another whole week. We can't sit by and wait for him." She said.

"Call him." I ordered. She sighed and went and got the phone as I rubbed my stomach painfully.

"Ashton. Where are you? Yes your poor fianceé is in labour...a second time! Without you here!" She barked into the phone. I heard some small talking back.

"Okay well hurry up." She said.

"Either you wait an hour or you have the babies now." She said.

"I'll wait." I groaned and was the biggest mistake of my life. Waiting while in labour was a living hell. Before I knew it I was cringing and crying and moaning in pain. Finally ashton walked through the door all smiles.

"Hey babe." He said rubbing my back.

"Don't you "hey babe" me...I was in hell for the past hour and twenty minutes! You were supposed to be here a week ago!" I growled angrily. I gripped his hand hard and he cringed.

" got a strong grip there." He said trying to break loose. Everything then was a blur. I was on my back and Ashton was beside me. I practically broke his hand for how hard I squeezed it. I was screaming in pain and sweating...and it was a very bad pain that I do not wish to experience again. Although I probably will because I want a daughter.

Soon I fell asleep.

When I awoke Ashton was in the chair in the room holding Mitchell and Nick. I smiled over still through a daze and not all there.

"None of these kids want to look like you, Vana." Ashton smiled not even meeting my eyes but knowing I was awake.

"Jeremy looks like me." I said my eye trying to shut close.

"Yea but these guys look like me." He smirked.

"Ahh...Maybe I am cursed not to have a girl huh?"

"Nirvana...we have so much time. We can have twenty kids until we have a girl." He promised.

"You would have twenty kids with me?"

"Well yea. First there is twenty times of sex.." He said a cocky smirk appearing on his face.

"And I would probably drive myself insane. But if it is something you want to do of course I would help you." He smiled. My heart literally did a little flutter. That was so cute.

After about two days I was finally up and out of bed. I was playing with Jeremy, Tyler and Austin and Ashton and I were spending time with Mitchell and Nick. Ashton was right, Mitchell and Nick did look exactly like Ashton, as did Tyler and Austin. But Jeremy still looked like me.

"Five kids...and you are twenty one years old." I noted.

"I know...what the hell am I doing?" He laughed jokingly.

"Oh you enjoy this." I said lightly hitting his chest. I snuggled up close to him and we just stared at each other. It had been a long time since we actually done this.

"I love you." He said in the dark. I almost melted at that joking. I smiled big knowing he could see me clearly.

"I love you, too." I smiled back kissing his nose. He gave me a light kiss on the lips before pulling me close to his chest.

*Approximately one year later*

"Ashton!" I yelled gripping the stair case. He came running out of the bedroom like a bat out of hell. I held my stomach tightly and he picked me up bridal style. If you haven't guessed it...I got pregnant. One child this time and we do not know the sex we wanted to make it a surprise. We had to postpone the wedding and I realized I did not want a big flashy wedding. I wanted us and family here to come see it.

Ashton pushed me to make sure I was actually sure about it and I was. Now I groaned in his arms as he laid me down on the table.

All the past pain of having Nick and Mitchell came back and soon it was over. I seem to pass out during labour.

And once again I looked over and saw Ashton rocking one baby in his arms he smiled down at it and his face was the brightest and happiest I have ever seen.

"I told you, you would get it one day." He said standing up. He brought me over the baby and rested it on my chest. I held it close. I soon realized the blanket colour.

It was pink.

"A little girl." I whispered kissing her head softly.

"Six pounds." He commented.


"She's small.What shall we call her, love?" He asked kissing my head tenderly.

"I don't know..." I said staring down at her soft face. She slept peacefully and soundly.

"What about Courtland?" He asked.

"My middle name?" I asked surprised.

"Yes. You should have seen her. When her eyes were open. She has beautiful blue eyes...and she has a bit of pale blonde hair. She has your nose, your lips...she looks like you." He said.

"Courtland...I like it." I smiled touching her cheek softly. She made a happy gurgling sound and she smiled snuggling against me.

"She beautiful just like you love." He said kissing my head again. I smiled happily.



Okay the next chapter is the final chapter.Reason being is just I will be making a sequel later after I finish one of my other books that people are wanting out.So I just want to get this finished.I will be making a seuqel about there kids and the next chapter will be about ten years in the future and then the book will be about Tyler, Austin, Jeremy, Mitchell , Nick and Courtland all in high school.

Also...don't forget there are still Nirvana's brother and mother still out there...Maybe they will come back next book!?

Oh, I am already excited!

This will not be the end of Ashton and Nirvana. They will be in the next book.

Also don't forget to check out my other books!

-Luv and sorry for the sloppy and quick ending


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