Final Chapter:The End and a New

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Final :(

Nirvana's POV:

"Courtland Janine Mary-Anne Elizabeth Carter!" I called to my ten year old daughter. She was in her bedroom taking forever and I called her half an hour ago to come down to her own party. Ashton was attempting to fix the camera Nick and Mitchell dropped.

"Ashton I have another upstairs." I laughed.

"I will fix this one. I'm almost done." He assured.

"Why do girls take forever?" Tyler complained. I crossed my arms and just stared at him.

"Come on can take a little long sometimes..." He said sheepishly looking away. Tyler, Austin and Jeremy sat on the stairs while Nick and Mitchell walked around impatiently. Once again they all looked like little Ashton's running around but Jeremy looked the most like me. He had platinum blonde hair like I did that looked silver and he had the bright grass green eyes that I had. Only him and Courtland looked like me. Well Courtland was half and half. Already I could see how they were all going to play out. Every one of them loved sports. But out of Tyler, Austin and Jeremy...well Tyler would be the one who gets in trouble the most, Austin will probably have a lot of girlfriends that I will probably never meet and Jeremy will most likely be more into school work. I can already see it.

As for Nick and Mitchell? They both do whatever Tyler does.

"I am going to go see what she is doing." I sighed. I walked up the stairs leaving Ashton and the boys behind. I knocked on her door that was covered with Olympic posters of hockey teams and gymnastics.

"Courtland?" I called. There was no answer. I frowned and opened her door slightly. Her room was a cotton candy pink with a darker magenta on the bottom half. She was not in there. I stepped in and I looked around I saw her bending down in the corner looking at something.

"Courtland?" I asked trying to peer around her. She turned around and a small squeal escaped my lips. She had blood covered on her arms and legs.

"Courtland! What happened!?" I yelled. Suddenly Ashton and the boys appeared Ashton stepped in.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I went to the was in the corner." She said sadly.

"What is in the corner?" I asked moving her out of the way slightly.

"Gross!" Tyler said. I swallowed back vomit that threatened to come. On the floor was...well what used to be. A dove. It looked like it had exploded, it's insides were on the outside and it's eyes were black with no life.

"Courtland...where did it come from?" I asked.

"I went to the bathroom and when I came back..." Her eyes focused somewhere else. I have noticed that lately. She could be in the middle of a conversation and her eyes and mind will focus on somewhere else, and you won't be able to talk to her until she comes back.

"Courtland?" I asked after a couple of minutes her eyes tore away and she blinked twice.

"A shadow." She said.

"A shadow?" I asked. She nodded.

"He put the bird there and he left."

"He? How do you know it was a he?" Ashton asked.

"Because it was." She said determined.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"Through the window." She pointed to her large window, the curtains slightly blew in the wind.

"Go get your sister cleaned up." I said to Tyler but I directed it to all of them because I needed to talk with Ashton. Once they left I turned to him angrily.

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