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Your POV:

I kept gulping every time Jungkook looked at me. It wasn't supposed to be this way... he wasn't supposed to get me flustered like this. He was a kid, well at least to me.

"Whoa y/n.. you're really good at this, aren't you? Jungkook looks so good!," Rap monster said as he plopped on the seat.
I turned crimson, I'm sure. "T-thanks."
"She's great isn't she? This is why I chose her," unnie said with love in her eyes.
"Unnie...," I said, smiling.

As I applied a little foundation on Rap monster's face, my breath hitched when I had to bring my face closer to his to see if it was even.
I tried not to breathe on his face so I held it in. I was vaguely aware of my face heating up when I saw his Adam's apple bob up and down.
"Y/n...?," he said. Oh shit. Was I staring?
"You're bleeding...," he pointed at my nose, worried.
Oh fuck this shit!

I quickly ran to the restroom, embarrassed.
Just great. You see a hot man, you get a nosebleed. In fucking front of him. I hate this shit! First Jungkook overheard me and now Rap monster saw me bleed. Next Jin will see me naked? Ugh!

I splashed my nose with cold water until my hormones freaking stopped pouring out of it.

I walked back to hear BTS getting ready to leave for the fansign.
"Oh y/n! What happened? Are you okay?," unnie grabbed my arm.
"Yeah.. hot men.. nosebleed.. normal with me..," I sighed.
That gave unnie a good laugh. "You'll get used to it. I was just like this when I first started working here."

I doubt it.

"Noona, isn't your friend coming to the fansign?," Jungkook said to me while wearing his jacket. He was smirking.
Oh my God. Yoona! She'll ask Taehyung for a sign in my name!!

I quickly took my phone out and called her, aware that Jungkook was smirking and actually trying to listen to what I had to say to Yoona.
"Yeah, it's me. Hey I'm in a hurry but can you not ask Taehyung for a sign?"
"Wae? Whose do you want then?"
I looked at Jungkook, who was staring at me with an expression saying 'well?'
Ah.. he's enjoying my dilemma... can't really say I like that.

I looked him straight in the eye, for the first time as I said into the phone, "Instead, have Jungkook's."

That expression! It was priceless. He didn't actually see it coming. He was taken aback but then a lazy smile appeared on his plump cherry lips.

My heart. Well, let's just say it stopped.


I quickly ran to meet Yoona because I was dying to ask how the fansign went. I mean... did Jungkook rat me out? Did he do something suspicious? Or did Yoona blabber nonsense about me? Being me was hard.

"Morning!," I chirped as I caught up to her. She was probably looking around for me.
"Heyyyy..," she smiled.
"So, how did it go?," I said nonchalantly.
"Oh my God y/n! They're all so handsome up close I mean I thought I'd die! And they're so nice to the fans~~," she fangirled and I was getting hyped too.

Yes I saw them up close but not like this! I couldn't even squeal!

"And my sign?," I offered my hand to her.
She laughed. "Here," she handed me the poster. "He really liked your name. And OH MY GOD! Y/N HE KNEW YOU!," her eyes legit popped out of her sockets.

Oh no. Shit. So I'll have to resign...? Is that how my fantasy shatters?

She slapped my arm playfully. "Idiot! You're the top student of this school! Of course he heard your name! To be honest, I regretted not having paid attention to studies in that moment," she giggled.

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