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Jungkook's POV:

I knew deep in my soul her sunbae said something I'd really not like and my suspicions were proved right when I decided to follow her back to the store room.

So the bastard had asked her out during our concert. Slick move.

I gritted my teeth as I realized she might have said yes. But my spirits soared when  she said, "You're right. What's there to think about anyway?"

Maybe she rejected him.

"I mean why am I putting sunbae off because of BTS? RM started dating...," her voice trailed off.

And then I realized she didn't exactly turn him down. She was confused... because of us.

I had to stop her from dating him. She'll date him because she thinks she has no shot with us. With me...

...but she wouldn't even consider me. I'm younger than her.

I gritted my teeth so hard I was sure a few molars drove back into my gums.

It was like she had read my mind because she said:

"I can already see one of the maknaes' news breaking next that they're dating."

That meant... maybe... just maybe it was I who was giving her a hard time. It could be Jimin hyung or Taehyung hyung but I was sure of one thing: I like her.

And in that moment when I myself realized my own feelings, my arm hit a box and instantly my cover was blown.

But instead of leaving, I was determined. It was my chance. I want her.

The way she covered her chest in an attempt to protect herself was so cute, I was torn between laughing and hugging her.

And in a few moments, I had her cornered. I said, in response to what she had said to her friend, "Yes. And it's me. And it's not a celebrity."

I said it as clearly as I could to make her understand that her status as a non celebrity didn't mean anything to me, but my dense ducky looked confusingly at me.

Maybe she didn't expect me but instead of  explaining, I went for something that would make her see without any words.

In the pale moonlight, her lip trembled a little when I held her face.

Damn. I hadn't even done anything yet and  a horde of butterflies burst in my tummy already.

And I kissed her.

Her body went limp but I moved my lips on hers, coaxing her. My body was on fire and I felt her cheeks heat up. She shivered and then...

...her timid hands grabbed my shirt for support.

She didn't push me away.

I put one hand on the small of her back and held her closer, not yet ready to let go. She tasted heavenly. So f***ing sweet. While the other wound its way in her hair.

She wrapped her arms around me tighter... and tried to keep up with my lips.

I could tell she was inexperienced and even that made me go crazy for her but I had to stop before I went in too deep. (A/n: yes, stop *smirk* too much detail)

I pulled away but still held her close. We were both breathless and ducky looked heady. She looked up at me through her heavy lids with lips slightly parted. She looked at me... awed and dazed.

She was so beautiful in the moonlight. An innocent temptress. I ran my thumb across her lower lip and she shivered.

And her dazed expression started to turn into a familiar expression as she went limp and her face collided with my chest.

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