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Your POV:

I woke up feeling nice about myself because it was my birthday. I checked my phone but my spirits did a high dive when I saw there wasn't a single text from Jungkook.

What are you even expecting? He doesn't know it's your birthday.

But there was a part of me that resented him for not knowing, stupid, I know.

Sunbae had been vague about what he was planning to do so I didn't exactly know how to dress. Was it a surprise party? No, because I'd already be expecting that.

Frowning, I ransacked my wardrobe and after a million years, came to decide on a peach blouse and white pants. Chick and comfortable.

After putting on a little make up, because why not? It's my birthday, I absent mindedly scrolled through my conversation with Jungkook.

God I missed him.

I jumped a little when the doorbell rang and came downstairs. Sunbae was alreasy in the den, talking to my mom.

"Oh, hi," he said, standing up, on my arrival. I raised an eyebrow at that gesture.
"Hey. Where's Yoona?," I asked.
"We'll pick her after you. And by the way, you look pretty," he smiled and I blushed a little.

"Thanks. Er, you look good too," I said, knowing I sounded awkward.
"So ahem, mom I don't think I'll have dinner at home tonight.. I guess?," I looked at sunbae.
"Oh we'll all have dinner together... later."


"Oh never mind, just get going," my mom laughed. She's in on this too? Cute.

Once inside the car, my curiosity got the better of me and I asked, knowing he won't tell me the big surprise. "Where are we going?"

"Oh you'll love me when you see what I prepared for you," he winked at me and I laughed.

"I already love you, so spill the beans," I wiggled my eye brows.

"Really, now?," he said and slowed the car down. Then leaned in and said, "prove it."

I stared at him wide eyed, too shocked to come up with a response.

And when he realized I wasn't going to react in my frozen state, he laughed and flicked my forehead. "Thought so. Now shush and just wait for the surprise," he was still smiling.

I shut up the rest if the ride to Yoona's.

Yoona looked so pretty in the bright blue frock that for a moment I thought it was her birthday. She was THAT pretty.

"Happy birthday, mah bitch," she hugged me tightly from the seat, choking me.

"Happy death day if you don't let go," I choked out and we all laughed.

My laughter died down abruptly when I saw BigHit building coming into view. My heart fell into my large intestine, ready to get pooped out on the thought they know about me and Jungkook.

I shot a look at sunbae who smirked. "Surprised? Don't be just yet."

Yoona was squealing behind me by the time we parked right in front of it.

Sunbae came over to my side and held the door for me to get out. I was shaking when I got on my feet. Jungkook didn't even know it was my birthday... holy crap.

"After you, birthday girl," sunbae said and I walked inside with both of them behind me.

We halted outside the conference hall where BTS and I played videogames. I could see it was dark through the glass door.

Yoona nudged me to go inside and as soon as I put a shaking foot inside, the lights turned on and in a flash of blaring lights, stood BTS, Jihye unnie, Yoona and sunbae, screaming "happy birthday" to a very shocked me.

In those few seconds, I felt a blur of emotions, starting from fear, to shock, to amazement, to happiness... pure happiness to gratitude.

I wasn't aware that I had started crying but I was overwhelmed with emotions and was glad, that I didn't pass out.

Everyone came and hugged me, wished me and all I could say was, "thank you."

I caught Jungkook's eye and he signalled me to wipe my tears and smile. Seeing him warmly smile at me, drained the fear of him being angry about not telling him it was my birthday.

"You've got some pretty nice friends, y/n," unnie said. "They knew it was your life long wish to meet BTS at a fan meet so your sunbae arranged this meet and greet especially for you."

My mouth fell open as I looked from unnie to sunbae, who was smiling.

I was speechless as my eyes welled up again and I smiled back at him. He walked up to me, wiped my tears and patted my head saying, "well you always wanted to see them as a fan, so here we are. Go, be a fan and don't cry, silly! It's one in a lifetime opportunity," he chuckled and Yoona clapped her hands together. "Let's go get some autographs!"

With BTS sitting on a raised platform, Yoona and I got on out knees by the table, one by one in front of the members, just like I'd seen on YouTube.

The first on the end was RM. As I handed him my photobook, he smiled and said, "this was your birthday wish?"

I nodded.

"I never got around to say thanks in person for what you did for hyuna and me... so I'm glad if I was able to help fulfill your wish. Happy birthday, y/n," he said and kissed my hand.

"Kyaaaaaa~~!!," I fangirled and that earned me a good laugh from everyone.

"You know, you're my favorite staff, y/n. You're so gentle with your hairstyling that I doze off to a nice little nap every time you style me," Yoongi said and I blushed. He gave me a gummy smile and ruffled my hair.

"I made you an ARMY, didn't I?," Jhope said and winked. "Told you, I will. Happy birthday, y/n."

"Your hands are so small birthday girl. I wish I could hold them forever," Taehyung said and swayed, ready to faint.

But then it was my turn at Jimin's and he stood up and put a pin in my hair, "happy birthday, ducky," he winked and I blushed harder.

Jin gave me a pink bracelet adorned with rose gold flowers and then pinched my cheek. "You're so adorable, y/n. I'm really glad I got to meet you. Happy birthday! From the worldwide handsome," and we both laughed.

By the time I got to Jungkook I was hyperventilating. He stared down at me with an unreadable expression and ALL the foreboding returned to me. He was pissed.

He took my photobook and wrote in it. Bit before I could read his scribble, he shut the book at looked at me.

"Did you think you could keep your birthday a secret? My ducky wouldn't do that," his voice was clipped.

"Happy birthday, noona."

Oh no. Did he hate me now? My heart sank and no words came out as I clutched my chest. He never called me noona...

"I'm s-s-sorry..," I said as tears trailed down. Oh not so speechless.

But suddenly, his thumb wiped my tears and I looked up, confused.

He was giving me a smirk and then he leaned across the table, pressed his lips to my earlobe, earning a started gasp from me. Then he whispered, "I'll meet you later, with your gift.... and punishment, birthday duck." He squeezed my hand, bit my ear lightly and pulled away.

I made a weird noise when he bit me that Jin gave us a weird look and Jungkook laughed.

It may have looked a normal idol-fan interaction to everyone else, but only Jungkook and I knew... that it wasn't.

Happy birthday to me.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

A/n: I'm sorry guys!! I had a substage to prepare for so I couldn't update! I passed, though 😂✌

I hope y'all understand T.T I'm sirry for being a bad author 😭

Don't forget to vote, share and comment though xD

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