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Jungkook's POV:

I felt kind of bad about treating y/n that way and kissing her... I didn't even think how she would have felt. I felt guilty.

So my eyes trailed across the stadium in an attempt to spot my ducky even though I knew it was ridiculous to find someone in such a thick crowd.

But there she was. Very close to the stage. That Jimin hyung's shirt made it easier for me to spot her.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw her enjoying herself and cheering for me - for us.

Maybe she wasn't angry anymore.

Suddenly she tore her gaze from Taehyung hyung's crotch (I shot daggers at her but she didn't notice) and turned her attention to her sunbae. I couldn't say I felt relieved.

He whispered something in her ear and my heart dropped. It was becoming hard to focus on the choreo but I felt uneasy.

The uneasy feeling lapped around my chest when he dipped low to kiss her. It was my turn to sing. He was leaning closer. I started to sing... she stood. She wasn't moving. Why wasn't she doing anything? He'll kiss you, ducky! Duck!!!

He was inches away and my mic sort of slipped. Ducky turned to look at the stage. I continued to perform, watching her from the corner of my eye.

Luckily no one noticed much. Maybe they did but the important thing was that sunbae's moment had passed.

I was proud of myself.

Your POV:

I wanted to turn away and tell sunbae I didn't see him that way but why couldn't I?

He was closing in on me and all I could think was that this was my favorite part of the song. And I still couldn't speak but then... Jungkook missed a beat and I jerked my head to the side. His mic had slipped a little but he was performing just fine.

I turned back towards sunbae, who was still staring at Jungkook and tried to gather my thoughts.

Okay, be logical. So sunbae likes you. How in the world did that happen? I thought he liked Yoona! Ahem, focus.

Who am I waiting for anyway? BTS? They would all eventually date. I should too. Jungkook would date too. Wait, why does it even matter if he dates? He isn't an option.

...well neither is the rest of bangtan, bitch.

Sighing, I mustered strength. By that time sunbae was steadily observing me.

"Can you... give me a little time?," I said and then quickly continued when his face fell. "You see I never thought about it - about us. So I'd like to think about it before I can give you an honest answer..."

That seemed to cheer him up a little.

"Better than being rejected, right?," he laughed nervously.

The rest of the concert went by with my mind buzzing over this new and unexpected development. I couldn't think clearly with so many people around and more importantly, I needed to discuss  this with Yoona, who still hadn't come back from wherever she'd gone off to.

I was beginning to suspect she was in on it but I still needed to talk to her. To a friend.

So when they offered to drop me off, I told them I had some business to attend to. Honestly, I just needed a little alone time to think clearly.

Yoona exchanged looks with sunbae and I ignored it. But he assured her it was fine and we parted ways.

I went backstage... to the dark store room I had passed earlier. Somehow, I felt sad. It was weird how being asked out made me feel sad. Who did I want to ask me anyway? I was lucky someone like sunbae liked me. He understood me. Yet...

"Aaaggghhhh!!," I growled and walked inside. I didn't turn on the light and stood in the middle of the room.

My thoughts were interrupted when Yoona called. About time.

"What happened?," she asked, clearly worried.
"I told sunbae I'd think about it," I replied because I knew she already knew.
"What's there to think about, y/n? Do you have someone else in mind?"

Damn. She was good.

I was speechless. That was what I was trying to find out myself. Unwittingly I touched my lower lip and realized I was thinking about Jungkook.

What. The. Duck?

"You're right. What's there to think about anyway?"
"What do you mean?," she sounded surprised for some reason.
"I mean why am I putting sunbae off because of BTS? RM started dating...," my voice trailed off.

"Don't do this to yourself, y/n..," she said, understanding me. That's why I loved her. She didn't need me to say anything to get what I was trying to say.

I nodded. Then sighed. "I can already see one of the maknaes' news breaking next that they're dating."

I don't know why I said it. I didn't have any biases so why did I say that?

But I couldn't hear what Yoona said next because I heard someone behind me. I jumped back and strained my eyes to see who it was. It was too dark but whoever it was, did not turn the light on.

"Hello? Hello? Y/n? You there?," I heard Yoona throughthe phone and quickly spoke into the phone, "Yeah, let me call you back-," but someone grabbed my phone and disconnected the call.

I shrieked a little and backed away. "Who's there? I'll scream if you do something. Just let me go!," my voice was trembling now because he still had my phone. I couldn't call for help.

But instead of answering, he started walking towards me. I could tell he was a man because I could tell he was tall.

The security must have left with BTS. Even if I do scream, is there anyone out there to come rescue me?

And then I hit the wall. I was trapped. I was going to die.


But my self reprimand was interrupted when the figure spoke, "Yes. And it's me. And it's not a celebrity."


And when he came closer, I saw him in the moonlight through the window.


But before I could say anything, he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me.

A/n: ssdcgvbnkitesxvv who loves me? 😂

And my ducklings 😭 your book hit 50k reads 😭😭 thank you ❤
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