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Your POV:

"Y/n-, it t-tickles," Jungkook laughed as I trailed a finger down his chest. I shrugged and moved down to feel his abs... I felt him stop breathing and smirked.

His abs were well defined and hard, making me want to rub my face on them and I started to lean in...

"AAKHH!!," I rubbed my head and and sat. What the-

Just a dream. Wait, what? Where was I? I ran a gaze around and realized I was in a room I didn't recognize, but it was a dressing room.

Oh, right. I must have fainted. This must be the dressing room... oh my God, the concert!! Where is everybody?

And I heard someone clear their throat. I knew who it was before turning around.


"That must be quite a dream you were having there," he said while sitting back comfortably on the couch I had just fallen off from.

A new wave of hotness took over me as I fumbled to hide my face.

"Assuming you fainted on my chest, it was me you were dreaming about?," he sounded as if he'd won a trophy.

I grabbed a tissue and stuffed it in my nose to prevent any more accidents. And kept my face turned away from him.

But then I remembered what he'd said so I turned around and looked up at him. He struggled to hold his laughter in. Yeah yeah, a duck with tissue stuffed in her nostrils. Ha-ha.

"Who are you jealous of?," I asked, my face inches away from his knee.

All amusement drained from his face and he took a moment to hold his composure. Finally, leaning in and pulling the tissue out, he laughed in my face, as I stopped breathing with saucers for eyes.


Angry, and a little hurt, I got up to clean myself and go look for my friends when he grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"You know what I meant. Deep down-"

He was about to say something when the door opened and he jumped away as if he were caught red handed or something.

"Oh, my God, y/n! What happened to you?," jhope said as soon as he saw me.
I raised an eyebrow, not comprehending when he pointed towards my face and shirt.

I looked at myself and it looked like someone had punched me in the face and broken my nose.

Dammit y/n!! When are you EVER going to get used to looking at hot guys? When are you going to stop embarrassing yourself? When!!?

Gratefully, unnie stepped in and said, "go wash up. I'll pull something together for you to change into."

Using it as an opportunity to escape their amused looks, I ran for it, aware of their laughter as Jung-fucking-kook told them all about our little encounter.

I made a mental note to avenge myself later...somehow.

I purposefully avoided looking at Jungkook as unnie shuffled through clothes to find me something that fitted.

And I knew it was killing him.

Why did I know it was killing him?

Unnie gave me a shirt I recognized. It was Jimin's striped shirt and it artfully went with my black pants.

I blushed as I went to get changed.
Park Jimin was in this modaeffing shirt!! His body grazed this shirt... he sweated in this shirt!! His chest... abs.. EVERYTHING touched this shirt... oh no not another nosebleed!

I quickly thought of ducks and felt the blood go right back up.

I wore the shirt and walked out, still blushing because in my mind Jimin's body was indirectly touching mine and like a thirsty pervert, it showed on my face.

"Hey my shirt suits you, y/n. Actually, more than it did me," Jimin winked at me and I muttered "ducks" under my breath to stop the flood.

"Here, a backstage picture for my biggest fan," he said and stood next to me. Then whispered, "think of all the people we'll make jealous with this," and for an odd reason, his eyes flickered towards Jungkook who was eyeing me with a sour expression. "I guess all the ARMYs would recognize the shirt so you better keep it a secret," he laughed and patted my head gently.

But I wasn't thinking about making anyone jealous. All I was thinking about was that BTS X ME folder would get two pics. One with Jungkook and one with Jimin!!!

"Y/n, you're as red as a tomato. Are you okay?," Jin asked and put two fingers on my forehead to check my temperature, which went up a few degrees because of him.

I jumped away and nodded crazily.

Jeez, what is up with everyone today? And why is this happening to me?

And my phone went off with the ringtone that screamed "ARMY in thr house" and I was this close to killing myself in embarrassment.

"Where are you?!! Do we have to come pick you up?," Yoona screamed as soon as I picked up.
"No, I'm here. I'll come find you," I said, relieved to be going.

"I err.. should go. My friends are waiting...," I said vaguely and turned to leave their laughing and smirking.

Today was not a good day to be around BTS...

I was about to leave the room when Jungkook said, "weren't you going to do my makeup before you went with your friends? Because it made you jealous when somebody else did?"

I stopped in my tracks and and whirled around because everybody was looking from me to Jungkook and back to me. Heat from embarrassment trickled up my face and tears of humiliation threatened to fall.

"Jungkook, that was rude. Apologize right now," Jin said but I didn't wait and ran out.

How could he make fun of me in front of everyone? How could he? I hate him!! I hate him so much!!

More and more tears fell and I ran blindly and screamed in fright when someone grabbed my wrist and whirled me around, pinning me to the wall.

He looked down at me and said, in a low guttural voice, "I know what you're doing," and his lips crashed onto mine.

A/n: vote, share and comment ♡
I love y'all so much 😭 and wattpad isn't notifying anyone 😑

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