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Your POV:

I stood frozen. The cheek his lips grazed was growing hotter by the nanosecond and my mind was screaming.

"So I take it you're still an ARMY by the color of your cheeks," he laughed.

I cleared my throat to give myself  some time to recover. "What if I wasn't anymore?," I asked just for the hell of it.

"I'd drag you into the fandom by your tail, ducky," he chuckled and turned to leave. "You're coming to work, right? We all need to go for a press conference about the whole... fiasco."

A weight dropped in my heart as I nodded.

I knew I would ne fine eventually... but was it too soon to try and go back?

"I shouldn't have lied. It was inconsiderate. I should have considered your feelings as an ARMY..," he trailed off. "I didn't think it would affect you as much until I saw some fans having cut themselves on the news breaking out."

His voice was strained as he looked at my arms. I realized he was trying to see if I did the same.

Something about this little act of care made my eyes pool with ugly ass tears as I shook my head. "I'm fine. I kind of... over reacted?," I smiled.

"KIND OF? Woman, you would have ripped me limb from limb," he scoffed.

"Quack," I said and shrugged.

And we both laughed.

As I was laughing, I realized it was the first time I was laughing after the news broke out. My heart warmed when another realization hit: He was trying his best to cheer me up.

I felt so grateful for having him around. After everything I'd said and done, he still cared about me. He still made me laugh. He was such a good friend and I treat him? He deserved so much better... I was such a horrible person. I didn't deserve him.

I was giving myself the lecture when Jungkook suddenly wiped my tear away....


Badum thump.


I didn't realize I had started weeping.

"You won't quit anymore, right?," he said, his hand still on the side of my face. Eyes imploring mine.

My breathing was starting to get all fucked up and I was suddenly aware that we were on the rooftop, alone, and the skin he was touching was burning with sensation.

I couldn't respond while he was touching me! All my brain was saying was:

He's touching me. He looking into my eyes.

I shook my head slightly.

There was so much I wanted to say to him, thank him.. maybe even apologize but I just couldn't find the words so when he smiled and said, "Don't cry anymore, y/n," I lost it.

Breaking contact, I ran into him, my face buried in his muscular and sturdy chest.

He stood shocked. He didn't move but his heartbeat picked up.

I was too embarrassed to look up at him and see him looking at me with disgust so I just mumbled into his shirt, "I'm sorry for not being a good friend to you. I know it must be hard for BTS as well right now. I was so selfish. You must hate me," my voice broke down.

I wouldn't have hiccuped out loud if I hadn't felt his arms around me, but I did and without another word, he soothed me with his hand running up and down my back.

"Stop crying already," he lightly flicked my forehead after pulling away. "You came back, that's what matters. You're the only friend I have so stop insulting my choice. And you know, we should head back before someone suspects us. It wasn't PE for me," he ruffled my hair and I gasped.

"Don't worry. I hate math," he chuckled at the horror on my face and lead me downstairs.

Still a little light in the head due to my little rendezvous with Jungkook on the rooftop, I was glad to walk straight to work without having met Yoona.

Every time I remembered the kiss, or the hug... or his words.. I'd blush so hard, pervy pervertson would think he'd met his match.

Jungkook kept an eye on me while I did Rap monster's make up. Everyone was trying to lift the mood somehow. But Rap monster still looked sullen.

"You know I thought my fans loved me. They loved me enough to see I'm happy and be happy for me. Where did it go wrong?," he suddenly said and everyone got quiet. His voice was shattered.

And that's when I realized how wrong it was of me to react this way. I loved him. I loved them all. Would I like it if he were with me and not happy?

"At this rate.. I might have to break up with her," his voice cracked.

"No!," I said before I could stop myself.

Everyone looked at me so I just stared at my feet as I spoke. "ARMYs probably.. um forgot about your happiness... and that's their fault. You should tell them how happy you are.. and er.. if they're REALLY ARMYs they'd be happy. If not.. well.. they weren't your well wishers anyway," I preached in a timid voice, hoping he understood the tiny voice coming out my ass.

There was pin drop silence until a voice came from the door, "exactly. Go with that, Rap mon. Work with the public emotions. That's actually very clever."

Bang PD-nim.

Now everyone was attentive towards him.

"Y/n has actually given a very good idea. This way, the entire pressure goes on public who if side with Rap mon, are the good guys and those who don't, are eventually the bad ones who had never really been fans," he explained something I already knew but okay, whatever. He signs my paycheck.

Rap monster looked a little uplifted and everyone else visibly relaxed.

"Thanks, y/n. Coming from an ARMY, it meant a lot to me," rap monster said and I blushed.

"Well she had always been smart," jhope smacked my shoulder and my cheeks heated another 10 degrees.

"See this is why having a fan around is always a smart thing to do. You'll know what goes on in their minds," Jimin winked at me and I peed a little.

Jeez, would they stop giving me all the credit? It's making me wet and uncomfortable and hot and I don't want to faint...

So I walked ahead and sat down on the couch while everyone else started talking animatedly about what to say.

I smiled as I looked at all of them. These are the people I love. The people I idolize. I have to be happy if they're happy.

And then I saw that Jungkook wasn't in them. He sat next to me and whispered in my ear, "You see, this is why I like you."

Yay. Bad I know lol. Sowwie I'll write better in the next I promise T.T

Don't forget to vote, comment and share tho. I hate saying that after such a bad update but- T.T

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