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Jungkook's POV:

She smelled of roses and it was like I was drawn to her. The look she gave me when I told her I was scared made my insides boil. She still thought of me like a kid no matter how much I flustered her. So when she apologised for hurting me when she kissed my neck, a perfect revenge came to me.

She actually thought it hurt me? I'd just have to show her what it feels to be kissed on the neck, wouldn't I?

I was close to her, and she didn't react. But when my lips grazed her neck, I felt her still and gasp. I don't know why it made me feel satisfied. So satisfied. Who's a kid now?

I pulled away and the severity of what I had done hit the wind out of me. What had I done? What if I ruin my friendship with y/n? Why does it matter if she takes me as a kid? She's still my friend... but why can't I stand the thought of not being a man enough for her? What do I do now so it isn't messed beyond repair?

All of the questions in my mind stirred to a stop when I felt her go limp and fall back...


She fell back against my back.


The horror washed into the laughter that bubbled in my chest. She fainted because I kissed her? Seriously, why does she make me so defenseless?

Why do I feel this way around her?

Why am I happy that my kiss affected her so she fainted?

Why do I feel like hugging the crap out of her right now?

Your POV:

I felt hot... it was so hot. I was burning. I felt Jungkook behind me. He was probably scared.

But then his lips.. my neck...

What happened?


And I opened my eyes. I was screaming in my sleep. It took me a while to realize I wasn't in my room. With my hand still on my neck I sat up and realized I had fainted, which meant....

I gasped.

"Jungkook really did kiss me... I wasn't dreaming..."

"Of course you weren't dreaming. You were knocked out cold," someone said and I screamed. I'm not alone.
"You talk in your sleep, ducky," he smirked.

Crap. He heard everything.

If the kiss didn't kill me, this surely did.

He sat next to me and I pulled my legs close to my chest. I suddenly felt shy - even more than I usually did.
"Jungfuckingkook kissed you," he laughed.

Aaahhh I really need to die soon. I can't take this.

"Pretty happy reaction for a girl who likes older guys, don't you think?," the satisfaction was evident in his voice.

I just stared at my hands. My mind was actually blank for once. It never shut up and now that I need it, the bastard goes on a snooze.

I looked at him when he stiffened.
He looked like he was struggling with words. Well it's not just me, then.

"Ducky," he began. Seriously, is that my nick or something? "You must be wondering why I kissed you..."

Oh? Actually I wasn't. Why wasn't I? I guess I was just hung up on his lips.. aah his lips.. oh right! Why did he kiss me suddenly anyway?

He laughed nervously... and I did, too. We both must look stupid to a third person right about now.

"I just.. well, you said you were sorry for hurting me when you kissed me. Ahem, well I wanted to show you it didn't hurt."

Oh. Sounds right.

I pouted, thinking, and said, "you could have just told me..."
"You're pouting, ducky," he smiled which made my heart skip a beat and my lips slacked as he flicked on them.
I looked down at my hands to hide the fact I'd swallowed my own tongue.

"You're blushing," he said.
"So are you," the words were out of my mouth and I clapped a hand on my mouth.

"Anyway," he said, a little shaken. "We are cool, right?"
"What do you mean?"
"We're still friends, right? I just did it to show you it didn't hurt... I didn't ruin our friendship, did I?," he looked at me imploringly.

First, I get kissed.
Then, I see jungkook laugh at the fact I fangirled while I was unconscious.
And now, he's asking if we're friends like his life depended on it.

It was...too much. Too many feels in a day. I hadn't had the time to process anything, let alone scream my lungs bloody at JUNGKOOK KISSING MY UGLY NECK LIKE COME ON! THIS IS HOTTEST ON THE NEWS! I need time to appreciate the moment because it was just my luck he decided to show me something I misunderstood.

I mean of course he kissed me because I was wrong in assuming I hurt him but I rammed into him and burst my lip so it was obvious I'd think he was hurt too. And there was blood. But the point being, it was just mere luck I said that and he decided to prove me wrong. This won't happen ever again so I need to treasure this...

And he's worried it ruined our friendship.

I felt butterflies in my stomach when I thought of the kiss (even though he was younger, but come on! It was Jeon Jungkook), and warm and happy when I thought he treasured our friendship enough to be worried about losing me.

And I was so happy, I didn't realize tears were streaming down my face.

"I'm so sorry! Don't cry, please! I..," he stopped when I shook my head.
"I'm just.. very happy...," I said.
He stared at me. Oh, I wasn't explaining this to him.
"No, nothing is ruined. We're friends. We'll always be friends, Jungkook."

His eyes went wide.

"It's the first time you've addressed me by name to my face," he looked awed.
"Kookie?," I mused.
He laughed. "You're so dense, it's endearing."
He just made fun of me but I just blushed and laughed.

We were always going to be friends.

Oh, and my neighbors were going to have to hear me screaming and fangirling all night long.


A/n: I didn't plan on updating this soon but it's a present for uri dongsaeng xbangtan_fangirlx
Here's your gift 😂

You're not my bias: Jeon Jungkook x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang